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Kinks And Weird Creeps

07 07,2021
don't ya'll love just sticking your fingers down there when you get wet and licking it all off

tastes amazing
07 07,2021
The daddy kink [Answer]
Creaming my jeans
30 06,2021
I remember it used to be a joke to call people daddy and I was disgusted by it even then. The word daddy and mommy have been so sexualized that I can't even call my parents it and they try forcing me to say it all the time. I don't have suck a hard time with the word mommy but my mom continuously says "he's your daddy" whenever I call him dad. And ......   reply
30 06,2021
The daddy kink [Answer]
Love Is War
30 06,2021
I call my real father "Daddy" (and he won't let me change it). I have nothing against the kink but I feel conflicted about using it irl. I had an older gf who wanted me to call her Mommy (I was 15 and she was 23). It was okay and she liked it a lot.   1 reply
30 06,2021
The daddy kink [Answer]
30 06,2021
I have friends that call their father Daddy and the me who knows about this kink have to suffer.   reply
30 06,2021
The daddy kink [Answer]
Aliezofwonderland 30 06,2021
I'm so sorry. I really am. I do not like daddy kink and I am so so sorry. I just can't handle the diaper wearing, bottle sucking, go go ga ga, and daddy/mommy calling sex role play you are into. Again, I am so so so sorry. I think I was traumatised by all of those wattpad books and I am so sorry. I just can't its scary as much as it is a tudn off ......   reply
30 06,2021
The daddy kink [Answer]
30 06,2021
As someone who called their father "Daddy", I find this kink very uncomfortable   reply
30 06,2021
omg yess. i'm not one to kink shame (usually) but i literally HATE the daddy kink. just.. why?? i tried to find out why people have this kink and found out some use this as a coping mechanism??? (i dunno what the hell they mean) i feel it's weird and kinda disgusting   reply
30 06,2021
Yandere kink [Answer]
30 06,2021
when i was still dumb i thought i like psychopaths turns out i just like their face and body lol. i think i still do (but! only evil mfs not rapists cuz fuck them)   1 reply
30 06,2021
Yandere kink [Answer]
✨ereh supremacist✨
30 06,2021
yes. i didn't mean to tho– i dunno how i fell down the rabbit hole of yandere hot bois someone take me to therapy pls   1 reply
30 06,2021

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