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Let's Talk About Fujoshi's

yall all this bitch wants is attention adn more drama please stop giving it to her. shes a fuckin rascist transphobic homophobic ass. stop posting about her and just forget it. seriously she is a disgrace of humanity but all she wants is attntion so dont give it to her.   reply
03 11,2020
Kiyuku 2 03 11,2020
Can someone give me the link to the homophobic racist person and the one who backed them up that are hating on iwa and the rest I’m trying to block and report right quick.   1 reply
03 11,2020
Blank치료력 03 11,2020
I Know I'm Acting Immature But I Can't Stand It When People Start Drama And Refuse To Accept Their In The Wrong. They Also Had The Audacity To Attack Trans People, Which Really Touched A Nerve.   reply
03 11,2020
Gobbling Myself 03 11,2020
This is an illegal website, not Twitter. We aren't uncivilized people that don't know how to act.

This drama started because someone posted their so-called "Opinion" I do NOT agree with them in the slightest and I am against everything they stand for. Now we have someone else AGREEING and that is putting everyone into an uneasy state. But guys aren't we better than this? We're old enough to know this is fucking CHILDISH and STUPID. I'm tired of all this drama, really.

And hey, I'm not trying to say "oH wE sHouLd JuSt hUg iT oUt aNd It WiLl bE oKaY" NO! We need to act MATURE and stop paying these trolls any attention. Any other time I would say "We can just ignore them" but in reality, this isn't getting any better if more people started agreeing with them. Do you know what I hate? Drama! Yes, you may see me replying to these trolls, so call me a hypocrite, but we can't just watch people get offended and let them be alone.

It's sad we came to this, really it is. Come on guys, WE'RE BETTER THAN THIS!!
03 11,2020
IWACHAN DRAMA [Experience]
03 11,2020
yall need to fucking chill, if it doesnt involve you pesonally dont post about it. being trans doesnt affect you so fuck off, this site is full of trans people, including myself, so "babe" dont post that shit here. seriously. also iwa, this place is full of trolls so dont mind them. they're probably living in their mothers basement lolol   1 reply
03 11,2020
Can y'all stop making these call out posts?? I don't care if it's for a "good" cause or not, all this shit is immature, stupid, and pointless. Unless someone like [redacted] is popping up again, simply ignore people like that and go on with your day.   reply
03 11,2020
03 11,2020
Please like this bitch is higher than my dad on heaven she wants attention so yall are givin wat she needs ignore her and kick her mangago team kick this bitch you straggot you needa calm down   reply
03 11,2020
03 11,2020
Like are you high do you need therapy -_- you dumbass bitch i thought i was dumb but you're the lowest of the low fucc this bitch she needs therapy
03 11,2020
NyanCat4709 03 11,2020
For me, I personally am there for the romance. There's this weird thing that happens to my torso and legs (god knows what) which resembles a pang of idk kind of like nervousness but like it feels good??? its not like lust or anything but i always feel it when reading shounen ai, and only BL (never romance or gl, tho im not saying i hate those genre......   1 reply
03 11,2020
I think the lack of exposure to certain subjects can lead to perceptions that can hurt people. Some viewers on this site, especially younger ones, may not have prior knowledge of relationships, sex ed or LGBT+. They reed some of the pornographic content and believe that this is how real relationship dynamics work. With that, they create their fanta......   reply
03 11,2020

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