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virtual locker [Answer]
08 09,2020
Same bro that virtual locker shit is so wonky I just put some basic ass shit like walk my dog (bitch i dont even have a dog lol) and cook just to get it over with   1 reply
08 09,2020
time to show off ur yaoi ahegao collection   reply
08 09,2020
virtual locker [Answer]
[DELETED] 08 09,2020
omg i did this with my classss. I put a picture of seungho from potn. you can put like a HIGHLY lewd picture of yoonbum...or another uke.   1 reply
08 09,2020
virtual locker [Question]
08 09,2020
mfs rlly making every student do their virtual bitmoji locker. what would/did you guys put like blunt or subtle reference to something? likr i already get second hand embarrassment by existing i cant just shove a whole yoonbum like that when he looks like he’s decomposing
08 09,2020
My parents arent that strict but VERY Protective. I cant go to sleepovers, and no parties, cant stay up late, no boyfriends till I'm like 3 years into college and etc. ( ̄へ ̄)   reply
04 09,2020
04 09,2020
When i get a cat, i’m going to wish for the exact same. Sorry if I can’t answer ur question but this is just too adorable!   1 reply
04 09,2020
Explain my cat pls [Question]
04 09,2020
Aight so my cat is adorable, she is a female and she is 5 months now.
Basically she confused me because every other cat I had has wanted to square up with me.

Within like 30 mins of picking her up in the car and meeting her...she was purring and resting on me...and then we went to the house and after exploring she started kneading everyone.

Then, she started kneading and pretend weaning me every night before sleeping and she stopped kneading everyone else.

She used to only purr with me but now does it with everyone else, still no kneading.

She doesn't like to be separated from me.

Also she used to sleep next to my feet but now likes to hold my arms or rest her head on my arms while she sleeps.

Why is she like this? Does she like me? Is this normal for cats or is she just friendly? She never ever scratches us and only gives gentle bites, why isn't she trying to hurt me. Also whenever we try to carry her she resists for a bit but if you keep holding her she starts purring again and when u let her go she won't run away.

But when we brought her to the vet they were talking about how she was going crazy.

I'm so confused I've never had a cat like her before (ಥ﹏ಥ) she makes me think that she likes me but idk.
04 09,2020
confusion [Answer]
04 09,2020
me who’s never watched a Christmas movie in their life   reply
04 09,2020
confusion [Question]
SHOP PE PE PE 04 09,2020
something that always used to confuse me was why in Christmas movies none of the parents question where the gifts come from like tf? r u fr like it always show that theres no gifts then boom on christmas days the tree is overflowing with gifts like do the parents just like accept it oe smt?
04 09,2020
i feel like i was sort of programmed to not have feelings??? if i were to cry or have a meltdown, i'd be considered overreacting if i were legit super unwell and physically incapable of going to school, i'd be told to suck it up or i'm overreacting aGaiN (whenever i was sick, i felt like a burden lmaoooo) i remember getting hit by a brush once an......   1 reply
03 09,2020

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