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Disturbing Thing You Saw

A real tape of a taxi driver peacefully driving with a man in the back seat , and then the man place a small explosive on the driver’s shirt , after like 2 minutes the explosive exploded , the driver stayed still for a while i was confused , then his nose started bleeding like hell and he leaned forward and his glasses fell , the. The man in the ......   4 reply
19 08,2020
I saw a video of a guy who got hit with a teargas canister (military type) and his whole head was blown off and his brain was spilling while a bunch of other people were carrying him and screaming I immediately stopped the video cuz it was so horrible I couldn't finish it, I saw many other disturbing things including teargas canisters lodged in a g......   5 reply
19 08,2020
I saw a video of a man in a car with his girlfriend and child and he was shot. The video kept playing and the girlfriend was screaming and crying and holding the child while the gunshots continued to fire. I couldn’t sleep without having nightmares of him dying in front of me and the screams of the woman getting louder in the background Prettyyy ......   6 reply
19 08,2020
Bit tmi but like I was in a room full of drunk adults (it was a party) and my friends were outside, I was sat next to my mum and a family friend spins round and show my mum and her friends this video which I just so happened to be watching too.. at the end there was a huge pp (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) Probs the reason I like girls   1 reply
19 08,2020
my face lol   3 reply
19 08,2020
when i was in second grade i had a male and female mouse and one morning I lifted up the blanket covering their cage so i could check on them only to find out the male ate the females head off   9 reply
19 08,2020
and what was your reaction?
19 08,2020

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