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riddle [Question]
29 10,2020
when is 1+1=3
if you already know the answer don't spoil it i just wanna see what people come up with, feel free to comment some more riddles .
29 10,2020
I'm not like other girls phase, wattpad phase, kpop phase, watching Minecraft even tho I didn't play it phase, Gordon ramsay phase (I'm still at this phase), etc   3 reply
29 10,2020
29 10,2020
minecraft/ fortnite, nightcore thankfully no gatchalife   reply
29 10,2020
So what kind of phases did you go through? I went through a phase of believing I could find love.... Yeah that ended quickly.
29 10,2020
Just another day doing something else instead of my school works (´._.`)   2 reply
25 10,2020
I watch all my favorite anime characters die one by one and then I'm getting sent to c o v e r s I o n t he r a p y. Worst of all no one wants to roleplay ratatouille with me. This is completely unrelated but I remember running my cousin over with a barbie jeep when I was 8 he kept screaming I kept running him over.   2 reply
25 10,2020
goin for female long hair i think blue eyes and rich oh forgot big bobs or smol bobs and hair color too   1 reply
25 10,2020
Short haired Female Blue White rich girl Aesthetic that’s a freaky bitch   1 reply
25 10,2020
Here are mangago senpai's pics Speechless mangago- Acting cute mangago- Blushing mangago- Surprised mangago- Good girl mangago- (can be boy too) Sad mangago-   2 reply
25 10,2020
you should long hair, male, eye color can be hazel ish also clothes have to be rich brands like gucci, chanel, hermes, etc because we all know mangago be having alot of money with the illegal shit they be doing also some glasses would be nice the shades gives off rich bish/don't touch me peasant vibes   1 reply
25 10,2020

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