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Reject A Love Confession

Tell him casually “wow I really love my girlfriend”   reply
18 07,2021
You can if he’s being like this, this dude spread the rumor about me liking him too and said I BLUSHED, when I was being nice to his loner ass, I cursed him out, you do the same, these assholes are stupid af   1 reply
18 07,2021
If he's making you unfomfortable and even told you that youre disgusting, dont turn him down in a polite way youre too kind. Its his fault anyway,.   reply
18 07,2021
Pfft- I have a one classmate like that I made him a nice essay to why I don't like him so he can fuck off in messenger. Reasons to why I don't like him: -He's guilt tripping me If i'm getting annoyed but in a nice way because of the nonsense he is saying. (Ex. Me: What? I was just joking lol. Him: Ok ok that's done im sorry maybe you'll be even mo......   reply
18 07,2021
I'm the aggressive one in my friendship but I know how to tell someone to fuck off nicely. “Thanks but, I'm sorry... I'm not really interested in you, I already like someone else” and then leave, even if you actually don't have a crush, say that because it adds more thrill, imo. If someone was like that to me, I would just ghost them because, I......   reply
18 07,2021
you don't have to say it in a nice way imo. from what i've read, he's not a nice person so reject him straight up without remorse lol   reply
18 07,2021
I don’t like you so fuck off pLEasE? just tell them you wouldn’t date someone who finds you disgusting for the fact that you read bl and you’d rather date someone who’s open minded about the idea   reply
18 07,2021
Just say it. Say it to his face. Say "No, I don't like you. Stop bothering me." SAY IT.   reply
18 07,2021
Bro what say "your existence is making me uncomfortable and it disgust me, please fuck off. i bet even your parents didn't wanted your existens, the first time when they saw you. And now fuck off trick ass ugly mf" and that's it that's the kindest way   reply
18 07,2021
I just wanna say you are too kind for your own good. If he’s constantly making you uncomfortable and openly calling you disgusting for something you like/enjoy reading, you do not have to be nice! I would actually prefer if you just said “I don’t like you so fuck off” Maybe even add a “Don't fucking judge others interests if they’re not......   reply
18 07,2021

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