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I’ve gone through multiple therapists, psychiatrists and even a neurologist, so I’ve got plenty of bad experiences but among my favorite shitty things that they’ve said I have: 1) It doesn’t matter if you kill yourself nobody will remember you, in a week you’ll be forgotten. 2) Your depression is cured! 3) You’re not actually depressed ......   reply
29 01,2021
29 01,2021
I have problems with copping real life i had this like i was 7 . So i got my courage and go to the therapy and i talked about it how its feeding on the thing i watched read etc and the therapist give me a list of good reading boks #-.-) like bitch im tryin to get on the track with real life?!   reply
29 01,2021
I had told by therapist that I hated my uncle because we were having problems that had led me to contemplate suicide and eventually attempted. So this bitch calls my aunt on who isn’t even married to the uncle I was talking about and claiming that I hated her and my uncle and that my uncle had done something bad too me( which is very untrue) . Ba......   2 reply
29 01,2021
My parents sent me to a therapist because I attempted suicide the night before. When I got there a man asked me "So, why are you here?". What's with that question? I didn't answer him and he just sent me to another colleague of his. The new therapist asked me what's my name, age, school. And she said "Do you like your name?". Whut? She started te......   1 reply
29 01,2021
Not a theraphist but i had a psychiatrist for years as a child because of my ADD who made me super uncomfortable because the only thing she was really looking at when deciding what kind of drugs ill be put on was if i was getting heart palpitations from them or if my grades were getting worse. It took me 2 whole years of complaining to finally get ......   1 reply
29 01,2021
my recent therapist outed me to my mom so like it was awkward going home that day.   1 reply
29 01,2021
She just asumed I was suicidal, I didnt even say anything yet.   1 reply
29 01,2021
Bruh, y'all people here havin some real weird ass history with therapists-- Imma just sit back n chille   reply
29 01,2021
The first thing my therapist did when she saw me was mentioning my weight and gave me health tips bc she thought i hate the way i look. Like what the fuck? Girl i wanna kill myself not eat vegetables   2 reply
29 01,2021

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