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Wonder How peaceful it could be when tik tok is banned in Other country   reply
03 06,2021
like bitch I saw this on tiktok just an hour ago made by an ugly man and ofc people are going the get angry cause it's fucking disgusting "the Boyz" or the boyfriends who made that video kept saying that it was a "joke" and that those people who were disgusted by it were sensitive and a snowflake??? like bitch stfu I didn't know jokes were supposed to be this disgusting and THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY TO FUCKING COMPLAIN WHEN GIRLS REJECT THEM LIKE BITCH HOW ABOUT YOU FUCKING FIX YOUR ATTITUDE AND THAT GARBAGE PERSONALITY OF YOURS THEN MAYBE GIRLS MIGHT WANNA DATE YOU and also them saying "girls are the same" "nice guys finish last" "girls don't want ugly men" yeah bitch ur fucking ugly cause of ur personality also they think of women as sextoys I saw somebody commenting that it was natural and that women were made to be sextoys so that they should learn their place and submit to alpha males?? bitch wtf is this??
03 06,2021
I like cute kids too but nah imma not gonna sexualized em cause tf y'all sick. I saw cute pretty kids then I just want to take care of em, not to fuck em or fantasize em. Ew disgusting pedo mf   reply
01 06,2021
The only ones that are acceptable are the ones who just see them as cute children the ones that see them as sexual objects can burn   1 reply
29 05,2021
a friend of mine used to joke about how he likes "shota/loli" at first he didnt cross the line n just like talking like someone who likes children in general, but then he joke about how he likes to sexualize children... i was like das a fckn red flag, i blocked him n erase him from my life ever since, scary ass mf...   reply
29 05,2021
Crucify em’ actual pedophiles lol   reply
29 05,2021
if by like you mean they like the character design or they want to protect them like a brother or sister and other familial friendly feelings then... I guess... be my guest? But if by like you mean sexualizing them and viewing them as something perverted. Uhhh, They're sick in the head and should be cremated.   reply
29 05,2021
Kkyung 04 04,2021
Disgusting motherfuckers   reply
04 04,2021
im probably gonna get staked for this but it really comes down to what “likes” means. There are people who are s*xually attracted to lolis/shotas which is disgusting, but there are also ones that have a more innocent take to it. I personally like (adult) lolis because they are one of the only few representations of my body type (flat, short, no......   1 reply
04 04,2021
If they’re sexually attracted to lolis/shotas then yes it’s disgusting but if what you mean by like is that they just find them cute as in how one would find their younger sibling cute then it’s fine. Cuz I personally like loli and shota cuz of their character design   reply
04 04,2021

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