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Not Having A Boyfriend

Sweety, what are you saying? You are not ugly, nobody is. Nobody is either beautiful. It's just that people have preferences usually according to what society and the media impose. Sounds cliché, I know, but your beauty is on the inside and in your abilities. According to your main question, I'm also 22 and I've never dated anyone. When I was a te......   6 reply
16 09,2017
i don't think it's weird, then again i am 30 years old and never been in a relationship. it was and is by choice, though. i prefer to read about it rather than experience it, lol.   reply
16 09,2017
I'm 25 years old and I have had one meaning full romantic relationship in my life, when I was 23-24. It lasted a whole year and I can say it ended because I didn't believe he deserved me. I think I'm ugly and that my personality must be worse because I have no friends but he would tell me everyday how he felt about me and how he thought I was beaut......   1 reply
15 09,2017
I am 24 y/o (will be 25 in 2 months) and i never have a boyfriend but yeah i have experienced love, one-sided love from my side to be exact. And because of so many one-sided loves, i have became tired of feeling in love with someone else and decided to not falling in love with anyone. Seriously, being in love is mentally and physically tiring, i pr......   reply
15 09,2017
Im 22 as well and I've never been in love or had a boyfriend. I have kissed and gone on dates though- It's gross to me so I dont think you're missing out on much :P And I think asking if It's "normal" is where you're going wrong...It's "normal" for me not to have ever been in love or have a BF because I'm asexual and if you have never ever been att......   1 reply
15 09,2017
Counter question: Is it weird I've never had a bf, sex, kiss, or love relationship at 26? You are not alone, and in this day and age it takes a little extra to open up to people and find yourself in a situation where they have opportunity to make a connection with you. We happen to be in the same club!   reply
15 09,2017
I don't think it's weird. It's better to take your time than to rush into a relationship. Many people who end up in a relationship at a young age (or any age, really) aren't truly as happy as they seem. Those people you mentioned who seem like they have their romantic lives all figured out might be less happy with each other than they want others t......   reply
15 09,2017
I love them both. They are the cutest couple ever. I follow them on youtube and on instagram. Hana is just soooo cute and baozi is sooo handsome   reply
15 09,2017
it's not weird at all!! do things at your own pace and let things roll out naturally. If you do want to be in a relationship then you can actively put yourself out there and meet new people but really you don't need to "worry" about it at all. Saying your personality is shit and that you're ugly is just a construct from your mind! Think positively ......   reply
15 09,2017
I hope it's not. By the way I'm 25 and I've never been in a relationship. Cheers   4 reply
15 09,2017

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