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bitch- [Question]
(mf) Star Park
17 12,2020
if you search up why chainsaws were invented this is what pops up:

“Yes, the first chainsaw really was invented to be used in childbirth – though thankfully it was a far cry from the electric-powered monsters people cut down trees with today. The prototype was developed by two Scottish doctors – John Aitken and James Jeffray – in the late 18th century, for the process of symphysiotomy.”

17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
Afuckingdissapointment 17 12,2020
I- wait, who wants to know?   reply
17 12,2020
inside jokes [Answer]
Scotty 17 12,2020
"neiner neiner, ITS DOCTOR PHIL!!!!" ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
17 12,2020
inside jokes [Answer]
17 12,2020
"suffocate bitch" "woke up to x and thought you died" "7th grade…" "no homo club" "its just apple juice" "cause obviously I didn't do it yesterday" "what are you doing step-bro" those are a few off the top of my head lmaoooo   reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
Peach drink 17 12,2020
Murder, attempted murder, assault, robbery/theft, arson, homicide, drugs, any crime there is except for rape and sexual assault lololol   reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
(mf) Star Park
17 12,2020
robbing a fast food restaurant   1 reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
A person (*) 17 12,2020
100% murder   reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
Zucchiniberd 17 12,2020
For being so ugly lol   1 reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
17 12,2020
murder, assult, arson, treason, shop-lifting, destruction of public property, for being black.... those are a few that came to my mind lmaooo and totally would nvr happen hahaha....**for legal reason this entire post is false**   reply
17 12,2020
Jailed for? [Answer]
Telletubbies 17 12,2020
I'm just here to add more people on my never associate list I already know I wont ever go to prison   2 reply
17 12,2020

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