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When your rep gets ruined and try to take down 2 trolls with already bad reps with you And where is me and my friend calling Milk Box "curry girl" cuz as far as I know I was saying that to DEEP THROAT not as a slur, not as an insult BUT AS HER FUCKING NICKNAME HOLY SHIT. We told you this countless times but you're continuing to drag us cuz you ......   4 reply
23 01,2021
Deep throat and homo rlly be attacking other ppl.. called milk a slur..   2 reply
23 01,2021
Uhh can we know the reason on why you created lust rose? (I mean you don't need to say it I'm just curious lol)   2 reply
23 01,2021
I don't think what you did on your alt was right at all but neither were the users who kept fighting back and calling slurs. Blaming Milkbox is a farfetched notion that there have no proof of so no hate should be sent towards her. Both sides are wrong and should apologize but that's probably not going to be happening anytime soon or ever. What also......   reply
23 01,2021
i know about the situation but who the fuck are all these people   1 reply
23 01,2021
Yeah we shouldn’t call them bipolar because mental illnesses aren’t personality traits. They are illnesses. And on one of your alt accounts you said that you and other people were gossiping about me. So suspicious about milk box (or whatever their name is) but not gonna make assumptions. (That or they are two separate accounts one not owned b......   4 reply
23 01,2021
Have no idea what tf shes talking about but ill keep reading purely because im bored.   2 reply
23 01,2021
So that’s why I had 8 notifications all of sudden in my inbox.... well this was nice... very strange but nice   1 reply
23 01,2021
Hi, so I'm now some notorious whore on here because of the situation with Lust Rose. Only like 20% of the people who were following the original thread (it got deleted, don't ask me why) saw my answer and upvoted it. Since you guys are only taking the info Deep Throat and Homo talked about, I want you guys to hear my side of the story.

Most of you guys were handling that thread immature asf. Really, Cestelle was right with his answer. Don't focus on my main, focus on what my actions were.

Here's my answer to the original thread:

"Idgaf if you call me shit, but don't talk about Kageyama's Milk Box. Yes, ONLY I created Lust Rose, no one else was involved.

Edit 1: So Deep Throat My Dick and Stfu said you only state 'facts'. Okay, then why did you say I have bipolar? Yes, you have evidence for me being Lust Rose, but you have nothing to prove that I have bipolar. The fact that you said you only say 'facts' never shit, ew.

You're coming for Milk box even though they didn't do a single thing wrong, that kind of pisses me off. Do you have something against them? Because rn you're acting petty asf. For the third time, I am the only owner of Lust Rose. What evidence do you have that Lust Rose is owned by more than one user?

Homo and Deep Throat, stop acting like you are the hero. You literally said a slur in this exact thread. You making this thread was to use my ass as a boost for you to look 'good'. You two are just plain hypocrites. Here's a screenshot of Homo saying a slur: 【#10396060】(Since the photo got deleted, click here to see it

If Deep Throat REALLY wanted to be the hero here, wouldn't you have called your friend out on that bs?

Stop slandering Milk box. You can for me, I don't care, but not for Milk box. The only reason I made this answer was to make you all stop bashing Milk box, too.

Edit 2: So, after looking back (again) at Homo and Deep Throat's replies, uh... Why did you guys call Milk box "curry girl"?? Isn't that HELLA offensive to Indians? Ew, not only do you say slurs you guys are also racist.

Edit 3: Look, I'm not trying to make you guys go on 'my side' or anything like that. What I'm saying is that don't fucking believe the words of a hypocrite. Especially someone that's racist and says slurs. I feel embarrased to the people that actually thinks one of my friends was involved in this situation. You don't have to accept the fact that I'm Lust Rose, just don't accept the lies of a bitch ass like Deep Throat and Homo. Hear me out before you believe the shit they're saying, thanks.

No, I'm not 'admitting defeat' or 'too much of a pussy' what I'm doing is trying to prevent you guys from hurting the people that are friends with me. Don't bash Milk box for this. Don't bash any users that are following me. It's not their fault for my actions. Stop trying to create more drama for them. They're not your gossip material you can talk about 24/7. They're not people you can harass to the point you make them leave social media. If you're going to talk negatively about this situation, do it to me. Don't do it to the people who are my friends.

Again, please send your hatred to me, not other users. This is a secret I've been keeping FROM EVERYONE. Why the fuck do I have to repeat myself four times just for you to listen??

Before you take sides of this situation, hear out the people that are involved in it first. Hear both sides of the story before you open your mouth."
23 01,2021
It is what it is? [Question]
18 01,2021
I have a friend. A male friend. A boy friend. Not an official ones. He is straight and single. I'm rarely chat with him. But everytime i hang out with him, i feel like something.

Blooming inside my heart like i feel ecstacy towards every moment with him. Like i want it to be endless. We share the same interests and learning the same thing.

Is this a sign of...?
18 01,2021

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