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I just want to know if there was anyone who stopped reading yaoi and what was the reason?
08 03,2024
He’s definitely shy, he might be have some trouble socializing? You have to keep your patient though…   reply
08 03,2024
Social Anxiety, among other such problems. It greatly depends on the nuances of behavior tho. Some people can act like that because they are just shy, some because they don't like you, others because they have a crush, etc.. It's not easy to judge. Do not pressure him, just ask him calmly if there is a reason he doesn't face you. Do NOT be angry o......   reply
08 03,2024
I have this kinda close of a friend of mine that won't make eye contact and won't face towards me at all. He and I talk alot but he has this small voice that i can't hear really well. I kept trying to make him have eye contact with me so i can try to read his lips or analyze his emotion by looking at his eyes or something just so i can understand and respond to his chatter. FYI, we always talk side to side while walking, sitting or standing. He won't face towards me and he always adjust whenever i get the chance to talk to him face to face. It's been making me frustrated and i don't know if he's intentionally doing this or what....
08 03,2024
I think it's easy for people to say to just leave your friends, (been there, done that) but the loneliness you feel after actually breaking the friendship is immense, it feels like you have no one to talk to. Friendship is a really important relationship in life, and very beautiful as well if you meet the right people. In my case I just got lucky......   1 reply
30 01,2024
30 01,2024
I went through something similar, loved my friends but it just wasn't working anymore and I realized I was always putting up an act in front of them even though we've been friends for years already and its hard to let go Others be saying surrounder yourself with people that will appreciate you as if its that easy? Most People already have their ow......   reply
30 01,2024
glurp 30 01,2024
Find new friends. Period   reply
30 01,2024
Sounds like this isnt issue with having friends but YOUR friends specifically, surround yourself with people who accept you as you are and appreciate you as a person. Dont put others expectations for you to act certain way onto yourself, there are people who wont make you feel forced to change.   reply
30 01,2024
30 01,2024
If you have to act a certain way in order for your friends to like you, then they are not your friends. Never in my life have I pretended to be someone else just so other people would like me, and I’m definitely not the person who others are trying to fake being either. I’ve never had a large friend group, and I’ve never been upset about that......   reply
30 01,2024
30 01,2024
Honestly, friends are overrated. Learn to love yourself and enjoy alone time. And learn to not take school friendships so seriously just live. Don’t think just live and engage and go with the flow. They seem like poopy friends though so find new ones but don’t be sad if you don’t have any. Don’t leave school it’s such a mistake I was in t......   2 reply
30 01,2024

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