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  1 reply
23 12,2023
cosplaying [Answer]
12 05,2021
ppl get bullied for having “asian” eyes and now white ppl theyre taping it back? you dont have to look “asian” for cosplay, LOOKING “ASIAN” ISNT A FUCKING AESTHETIC, so done with this shit   reply
12 05,2021
cosplaying [Answer]
Sedcat 12 05,2021
Guysss chilll, they just too lazy to do the real magic shit the asians do with makeup. They'd rather get some Mr. DIY tape and stretch them skin to LOOK ASIAN. But fr though, this isn't fine like I get they're trying to look like the chara as much as possible but they don't have to, it's just a cosplay.   reply
12 05,2021
cosplaying [Answer]
12 05,2021
they arent embarassed?   1 reply
12 05,2021
a rant sorry [Answer]
12 05,2021
i think, both of you are wrong in a way. no matter how bad or not bad you have it, your feelings are valid, and using the "well people have it worse then you" will truly never work cause then no one will be able to express their feelings, without being shut down. give them some time, if you knew what you said was hurtful and have already apologized......   reply
12 05,2021
cosplaying [Answer]
12 05,2021
"iT's jUsT fOr a cOsPLaY sO tHerE's nOtHinG wRonG" or "yOu'RE jUSt oVEreAcTiNg" The amount of ignorance these people have. I just wanna drop kick them. How tf are you gonna tell a race of ppl it offends that it's not offensive? Make it make sense.   reply
12 05,2021
cosplaying [Answer]
12 05,2021
man, imagine consuming asian media then do this to "look asian". it's honestly so insulting to think that actual asians like myself get made fun of for the shape of my eyes and these fucking people do this shit just to dress up   reply
12 05,2021
a rant sorry [Answer]
12 05,2021
So, to sum it up; you're emotionally unstable.   reply
12 05,2021
a rant sorry [Question]
jvblur 12 05,2021
i can't take a shit, my head hurts, had a borderline fight, offended someone and I apologized for it because I know what I did was wrong but I still feel like shit fuck n why are all the shittines clumped inside me instead of getting out like srsly gtfo
I'm not even sure if I can complain without burdening someone or making them feel like they had it hard because although they did had it hard I still feel like I've got the right to complain but their mindset is getting on me and is slowly eating me like I'm one step closer to being fully convinced that I've got nothing to complain because there are people out there who did had it worse and I'm also this close from getting myself get truck-kunned by a truck just to get isekaid in a world where I became a fucking ignorant, and happy, and a blissful commoner princess who was oddly getting the special treatment from the royal family except the crown prince's fiance

here have a fucking cookie because you fucking deserve it
12 05,2021
cosplaying [Answer]
12 05,2021
Asians wants to have bigger eyes while western people wants to have asian eyes for costplays now? Lol.   2 reply
12 05,2021

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