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caught in a landslide, no escape from realityyyy

im being all but forced to post this by mangago user kio. i'm also listening to death spells so if this is angstier than it should be that's why (but you should totally listen to death spells cause they're great even tho they disbanded after one album).

SO ive known this person for like. not too long i guess? i don't know how to describe it. long enough but not a LONG time

and i dont want to go into too much detail but i dont know if i actually have a crush on them or if i just yearn love and i project that need to be cared for onto the first pretty person i see idk im either insane or or or or or uhhhhh or gay

but theyre really cool n im definitely not cool enough for them lmaooo but im really bad at talking about stuff but theyre always so patient w me and theyre rlly nice and funny and idk i need to shut up

,, and they also might have a partner/crush which sucks ass for me god its so hard being a stupid little lesbian . why cant i just listen to my chemical romance and cry why do i have to have FEELINGS!!!!!
16 09,2023
Dont avoid them and keep yourself busy with things that are important to you, since you're deciding to get over them its best you give yourself some time to grieve even if nothing came of it. Maybe think about why you started liking them in the first place and try to associate that reason with someone else or perhaps something else. Getting over s......   reply
28 08,2023
I've liked this person for two years. Its been an on and off sort of crush and I'm honestly confused. They just told me they have feeling for this girl they've met recently and I'm sad but happy for them. I know that I can't stop them falling in love with someone yet I can't stop myself from loving them. For two years I've watched them grow as a person and they've watched me grow. I've seen them at their worst, at their best while them watching me. I think I've loved them from the start yet confused at my feelings. I want to tell them how I feel yet I also don't. I want more yet I love what we have and don't want to ruin it. Whether or not they get with someone is none of my business as all I care for is their happiness but deep down I just want them to like me as I love them. I want to not feel like this I want to just find someone else I just want to get over it and yet I can't. Idk honest. I just want to get over it and try and be happy for them knowing its painful for me to watch them be happy and it not be me who they're happy with
28 08,2023
15 08,2020
For me personally it’s so difficult to reject someone cause I don’t want to hurt they’re feelings, and I have bad social anxiety. I’ve only rejected someone once, thankfully. My best friend’s twin brother said he liked me on Halloween night after we all went trick or treating together. We were already friends, but I didn’t like him in t......   reply
15 08,2020
Freshman year? Yeah a girl would just follow me around, but then again beat the shit out of me like she was some tsundere which was not very pleasant- Uh she'd always do things for me which i guess would be normal? Anyways My closet gay self was panicking and once she confessed I straight up said nO. I feel bad because she transferred the next day.......   reply
09 08,2020
I will reject ANYONE. I just feel i ain't ready for a relationship :,) If the person like me, but I don't like them back, rejected. If I like the person and they like be back, still rejected. If I have a crush on someone, i'll never tell em coz I got no guts ;-;   reply
09 08,2020
sanpaku 09 08,2020
yea i've rejected some guys because i really don't know what to do when i was given lots of affection and at the end i would put a distance and reject them   reply
09 08,2020
Ma’am who do I have to reject? People don’t even ask me out in my DREAMS.   reply
09 08,2020
I always wanted to keep this to myself but I'm trying to grow through it. I once wrote a love letter to my crush and told my best friend to send it for me at the end of class. This was the last day for class before summer break started. Instead, my best friend gave it to my crush a few minutes before class was dismissed. My crush opened it and read......   reply
20 07,2020
my first concert [Experience]
God 16 07,2020
i was crying because everyone was so loud   reply
16 07,2020

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