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Being A Fucking Edgelord

Just Me
08 04,2021
I don't agree with your definition of fetishization but I do agree that people just be tossing words around left and right in situations not applicable to those words. Words like fetishization mean pretty much nothing anymore because of their out of context over usage but what can ya do ¯_(ツ)_/¯   1 reply
08 04,2021
Uh, I don't think that's what fetishization of mlm and wlw means, but go off I guess.   1 reply
08 04,2021
yeah,ppl take notes before u call anyone a fetishizer for reading wlw or mlm   2 reply
08 04,2021
A little louder for the people in the back please. But seriously, straight facts   reply
08 04,2021
mud 08 04,2021
All I heard was facts. Take notes people   reply
08 04,2021
I thought fetishises was someone who treats (in this specific case) gay men as mere objects for sexual fantasies instead as actual people. I agree that being a hetero woman who enjoys BL doesn't inherently make one a fetishizer. Just don't project yaoi standards onto real life gay men, as in don't harass them, and just don't sexualize them! Then yo......   2 reply
08 04,2021
Since we're bringing up this topic again I'm just gonna say I agree and go   1 reply
08 04,2021
sorry um i thought we left this in 2020   3 reply
08 04,2021
ok i'm going to be straight forward with this and ik a lot of people are probably not going to like me after this but yall really need to hear this.

there have been TONS of post about how "women who read bl are automatically fetishizers"

yall do know what it means to fetishize right? fetishization of mlm and wlw is when someone thinks that homosexuality is OK in fiction but still shames gay people IRL.

and half the people on here don't do that so stop using fetishizer as a buzzword.

You can't go around calling someone like that just because you don't like the content that they either create or like.

also just because someone define as hetrosexual doesn't mean that they can't enjoy mlm or wlw content. sexuality has always been fluid.

but if they only think of it good as fiction and are hateful towards those type of people irl then that's when you can consider them fetishizers.

so stop throwing around that word thinking that you are doing something.

i am in no way, shape, or form trying to defend fetshization. I am saying to stop accusing those who read bl or are just here to enjoy the mlm or wlw content that they are automatically fetishizers . because a lot of those people have no malicious intent behind it.

so don't my words twisted and start to accuse me of doing so.
08 04,2021
binary sucks and is hard to read and most of yall cant even read binary and i know that because i cant even read binary but enough about code lets talk about the real issue here all of the birds died in due to reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us the birds work for the bourgeoisie   reply
08 04,2021

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