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Stay save!!! [Answer]
mushroom cloud 15 09,2020
Stay save? Omg. You are so adorable. I'm smiling even writing this.   reply
15 09,2020
Stay save!!! [Answer]
15 09,2020
I’ve been touched all the time when i was a child , i didnt know what it meant when i was a child until i grew up , tbh , it hurts , i wanna murder the one who did it soooo bad , but im not thinkin of hurting my self , i dont really care that much , i just wanna hurt the person who did it cuz its fuked up   reply
15 09,2020
Stay save!!! [Answer]
Blank치료력 15 09,2020
I Don't Know Who You Are But I Already Love You. I Will Cherish This Post With All My Heart.   1 reply
15 09,2020
Stay save!!! [Question]
15 09,2020
Your skin is not a PAPER don't CUT it
Your face isn't a MASK don't HIDE IT
Your size isn't a BOOK don't JUDGE it
Hey guys I just like this quote and many humans are suciding and hurting themselves ヽ(`Д´)ノ so don't do it ok be happy recently I also try to sucide but was saved and I my friends who care for me was crying and was yelling at me and at night I just thought that why did I sucide its and I try to sucide cuz I was raped by my own frnds and I was hurt and was not able to take it anymore and I said my bye to gf and I really didn't think about other people who care for me and many people make the same mistakes so plz don't hurt urself me happy ╥﹏╥and I m alive thankgod lol (sorry my English is bad )
15 09,2020
Clarra 15 09,2020
I was playing around with one of my classmate and when the others saw they asked me to do it to them too HAHAHAHAHAHA   reply
15 09,2020
Nah [Experience]
Yang (。•ᴗ-)✧ 25 08,2020
If someone does that to me I'll deadass slap them no cap   1 reply
25 08,2020
Sabrina 24 08,2020
It was shocking I closed my eyes for a minute and and started imagining things   reply
24 08,2020
kabe-dog [Experience]
24 08,2020
So I went to a friend's house to work on a group project and I saw their Golden Retriever (I am so fond of animals so ye I was excited to pet that cuddly giant creature) and when I came to pet the dog, it started chasing me (the house was spacious, kinda hope mine was too lol) so I ran until I reached the corner of the house. I thought he (the do......   reply
24 08,2020
24 08,2020
So me and my guy friend were just arguing and pushing each other on who's gonna ask our professor a certain favor and when I got annoyed I started to grab his shoulders and I just literally pushed him but then He was like "I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move" and he suddenly spun me around and he kabedon-ed me into a wall... I was literally......   reply
24 08,2020
i think it was at a pool party back in grade 8. I was one of the first ppl to want to shower and change back into my clothes and i did that and when i came outta the guest bedrooms toilet, the fuckboi of the party was in the room. At that time, i tot he wanted to use the bathroom and i moved away from the toilet to let him through but he kabedonned......   reply
08 06,2020

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