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Lord show me how say no to this
I dont know how to say no to this

What is something that you know you shouldn't like/do but like/do anyway because it so danm tempting.
05 06,2021
I guess im famous now
02 06,2021
is it bad if I find it very difficult to emphasize or sympathize with other people to the point where I unconsciously react apathetically to everything they say
01 06,2021
she telling me to pray for her cause they didn’t use protection but I’m here laughing, y’all I might become a aunt I’m crying.
01 06,2021
Why yall gotta be toxic to ppl you will never ever see or know irl
Why cant we just live like _Speechless_ (me) and Quinn_Q
where one is totally obsessed and captivated and the others is just chilled?
01 06,2021
is he not tryna turn the poor boy into a sock puppet?!...he just ramming that tree log up that poor kid's ass like his bottom half doesn't exist

....Why would anyone enjoy looking at the continuous torture being brought upon his asshole?

Please leave his anus alone it's innocent!!
01 06,2021
But i'm more confused. Ok so why are trans people apart of the Lgbt? If Lesbians, gays, and bi people can all be transphobic? Somebody said sexualities and genders are along the same spectrum but in what way?

Sexuality: Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviours towards other people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those things are a part of your sexuality.

Gender:either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

So how is this apart of the same spectrum? Sexuality is basically who you find yourself attracted to while being trans is what you identify as(?)

Like i'm genuinely confused, yes thy are both minorites who can be discriminated against, but they can also discriminate against people apart of their own community. And the lgbt community mainly consist of sexualities, wouldn't it make more sense for trans to have it's own community? I really did try to research this so don't come for me.
01 06,2021
01 06,2021
it's never that big of a deal even if they are the same person, who actually gives a fuck? Anyways other than all that pointless crap how's your relationship with your mother? Good? Ok? Bad?
01 06,2021
Mine is talking shit about my friends to my other friends so both of them will leave me.
01 06,2021
Oh Yujin, oh yujin
How must you hurt me more
The '90s bot who loves the world(jkjk)
This rude headass who won't give me their social media
Oh what must i do to find out
I weep in my room
The tears shrouding my sight
Oh what a pain in my ass
I ask for names
I receive blanks instead
What more must I do
To accomplish this task?

screw u
22 04,2021
you get bored so u decide to search “fasting” in the urban dictionary (even though u already know what it means) but u accidentally replace the “a” with an “i”, so now you’ve searched “fisting”.

anyway wtf
14 04,2021
I've noticed that most of the stories I read, Everyone has a better sense of style than I could ever have.

So what are some of the best outfits in general?
14 04,2021