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GIO 02 05,2021
And they'd be like: why dont you open up to us? Like bitch have you heard of yourself talkin about phone just made us depressed, clearly that you are the reason and you say that now? Wtf   reply
02 05,2021
Anybody else [Answer]
02 05,2021
I literally avoid getting diagnosed for depression because of this   reply
02 05,2021
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Kuroushiki 02 05,2021
No no don't ever tell parents your mental problems or any sensitive issue they won't understand it even a tiny bit they will compare to their past and said a lot of things that won't make we feel better but worse our moods just do something we enjoyed to lessen our pain and depression only depends on ourselves that is all OwO   reply
02 05,2021
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juhi simp 02 05,2021
personally im a very grade oriented person but my mindset is pretty sexy atm. besides the lighthearted approach to your question, your mom clearly isn't willing to listen to your emotions, and is most likely disregarding your words bc she cares more about education than your well-being. if you ever do need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me or ......   reply
02 05,2021
Anybody else [Answer]
02 05,2021
Me too ヽ(`Д´)ノ Only two times I opened up to her, when I was 11 also with my sexual abuse and she fucking dares to brush it off, then now a couple of months ago about maybe taking me to a psychologist and she dares make it all about her like *sigh* I decided i'm too old for taking her bullshit, I hope your situation improves and take care of......   reply
02 05,2021
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02 05,2021
this is why we can't tslk to our parents   reply
02 05,2021
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aphrodite's wife 02 05,2021
parents are not going to give a shit about our mental health and problems until we kill ourselves, it sucks but it is reality   1 reply
02 05,2021
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IHateReality 02 05,2021
Honestly yes when I tell my mom that I'm having troubles in my life she be like "it's because you are aways on your phone" like what does it have to do with my phone and like all I hear from her is my grades to get better   reply
02 05,2021
Anybody else [Answer]
02 05,2021
This has happened to me too. My mom found out that I sh myself this other day, and this mf said “maybe if you just cared more about your grades and school, it will get better” and started to talk about my grades for like 30 min   reply
02 05,2021
Anybody else [Answer]
kahidlaw 02 05,2021
jesus christ. some people really need mandatory parenting courses before offspring season.   reply
02 05,2021

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