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I don’t have social anxiety or anything I don’t think but I can relate to you on this. My shyness isn’t bad enough to where I retreat to the bathroom, but I don’t make a move to partner up with somebody unless someone who likes but I hate is in that class or I have a friend there. I tend to just sit there until someone asks or a teacher pai......   reply
01 10,2020
Is This anxiety? [Answer]
Oh my
01 10,2020
Gonna copy-paste what I said to the other guy. We arent your doctor. Get a professional test done and stop trying to be fucking self-diagnosed by a bunch of horny teens.   reply
01 10,2020
We arent your doctor. Get a professional test done and stop trying to be fucking self-diagnosed by a bunch of horny teens.   reply
01 10,2020
Do you feel intense stress, fear, and embarrassment when it comes to social situations? Do you feel like you will do everything wrong and you will embarrass yourself for a life time? Then you might have social anxiety. It depends really, I am not a psychiatrist, but personally the line between shyness and social anxiety is how negatively your emoti......   reply
01 10,2020
If it's to the point of you retreating to the bathroom, I'd say it is closer to being anxiety. I am not a psychologist, though.   reply
01 10,2020
Do you have heart palpitations, sweating hands, nausea, tremors, ans overthinking things?   reply
01 10,2020
okaaaay so this probably might sound like im being dramatic but u know i might as well ask anyway. Alright so lets say i have to go to a party or something, if i get really nervous and tense when someone comes up to me, even someone i already know, is that just normal antisocial things? Also like in school when teachers say get partnered up, i get that some kids are sad cuz they dont have many friends, but is it normal for you to be so anxious that you go to the bathroom and do your work in there alone.....
I'm really not sure because it could be brought up as just being shy but I wanted to get some of your guys opinions.
01 10,2020
Ive never sleepwalked but my friend told me while i was sleeping i would recite anime quotes, at first i thoght she was joking but then one time she recorded it and i was shook.   3 reply
01 10,2020
I've apparently walked into the kitchen and cried for almost 2 hours and screaming how I'm done with life. My roommate now never shuts up about it   reply
01 10,2020
I've had long conversations with my walls. I know this because my roommate filmed me telling our bedroom wall how depressed I was as I cried and banged my head on it............The video was 28 minutes long...........   reply
01 10,2020

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