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like batshit crazy and horrendous but u still like it......
31 07,2023
A custermer came to the store and tyres to us her card it doesn't go thru. The conversation goes like this. M "Ma'am your card isn't working" "Then fix it!" M "Ma'am its asking for your pin" "Then put it on" M "I... don't know.. your pin, it's you card." "Well it's not" Yeah . The END   2 reply
31 07,2023
mya 31 07,2023
Someone asked if the world was actually round how do we stay put and not fall off…   1 reply
31 07,2023
My ex boyfriend   reply
30 07,2023
School sucks uhh. Really does. I don’t understand anything. I failed most of my main subjects. I have to start choosing the subjects I wanna do in the future. I don’t have the best of friends too. 2 friends are leaving the school and one of them is moving to another town who I really cherish. I’m gonna be stuck with the annoying friend who I......   1 reply
30 07,2023
Nah I’m fat and ugly so it’s pretty obvious how I get treated   reply
30 07,2023
It's where my trauma came from   reply
30 07,2023
I went from private to public (by choice) and it was pretty hectic. I experienced a much more rowdy personality and also the reality of teachers being difficult in teaching as the teachers I had in private school were really dissecting the lesson for us (it was way more than their pay grade considering they are being paid less than in public school......   reply
30 07,2023
sincerely no. it's physically and mentally exhausting me. ive had a really bad schedule for years (currently waking up at 5 am, coming back at 6-7 pm) with a lot of work to do, exams, tests and teachers who don't give two fucks about you (had once like 5 tests in a day, because teachers didn't care). i don't have any friends and every year my colle......   reply
30 07,2023

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