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03 10,2019
Love is a diffucult feeling, for me atleast it was. Sometimes you fall in love at sight, sometimes it takes time. Also, it depends on 'being ready', but that b eing said... when are you ready? How are you ready supossed to get readdy...? Jeeez. I had a difficult time understanding what love was, how it feels and how to recognize that feeling. But......   reply
03 10,2019
Monkey Shoulder 19 06,2018
Hey there :) I'm 21 and never fell in love (the only one time, it was just a strong friendship I mistaken for love). People like me are called Aromantics So I think you may be aromantic or demi-romantic. Or if you're young (huh, I don't like to say it) you may just be confused You like romance books so you may be idealizing romance. And because it ......   reply
19 06,2018
cinnamoroll 19 06,2018
i feel you. i haven't really liked anyone for a long time. it could be that you just didn't find anyone you clicked with, or it could be that you're not interested in romance at all (aromantic). that's something that you should discover for yourself, but don't push yourself to go one way or another. you are you, and you should do what makes you fee......   reply
19 06,2018
19 06,2018
You know, there is something named Aromantism: people who are aromantic don't experience romantic atraction toward other. There can be sexual attraction, afection... If you are, maybe you will have relationships only based on deep friendships and sexuality. It's the A in LGBTQAP+. After, you may just be better by yourself, it,s also possible ! Wish......   1 reply
19 06,2018
19 06,2018
It's hard to say where you'll end up. Most people are citing your age, and that's likely to be the case, or perhaps you'll be like me. I'm 32 and I've never been in love or even had a strong crush. I've never been in a relationship, though I have had a number of guys (and girls) express interest. It just never clicked for me. People have suggested......   reply
19 06,2018
19 06,2018
You are young, so You still have time :) Besides, it doesn't work so fast, like You don't see a person and *boom*, You're in love. I've fallen in love twice, after two years of friendship in both cases. And I wasn't expecting it. I've never had a crush tho. So it's not like You need to have a crush to fall in love I guess? And don't think that th......   reply
19 06,2018
Popcorn 19 06,2018
I'm almost 17 and i never had a crush. I certainly notice guys (recently) and think of having sex but I want no romance. I think it's pretty normal for people around this age that they're confused. I think you should just wait- and don't do what i did. I decided that i'm certainly aromantic and there's no way I'll fall in love or have a crush. I al......   1 reply
19 06,2018
19 06,2018
So I don't know how old you are but it is possible that you just didn't came across a person who you can develop feelings for. So maybe in the future were will be someone. I myself am 20 and only been in love once ^^' But I just want to give you diffrent possible scenarios, so that you can figure it out for yourself. Because I don't know how well......   1 reply
19 06,2018
I cant fall in love [Question]
Plexi 19 06,2018
I love all romance mangas but I never feel anything for the guys and girls I know, when i'm reading a romance book I feel happy for the characters as they realize thare feelings and sometimes my heart thumbs like thares but I don't have any sort of romantical feelings for people. I think some guy's are cute but I don't want to date them and I don't really feel butterflies around curtain people. I know love and relationships don't happen like in most mangas but do you know why I feel this way and do you feel the same? Do I just need to wait a little longer?
19 06,2018

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