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Periods [Answer]
16 04,2024
Nah why should women get embarrassed for something natural.   1 reply
16 04,2024
boobiegobbler 16 04,2024
Quit while you’re at it fam   reply
16 04,2024
Periods [Answer]
16 04,2024
Nah...IDC. It's not my fault my uterus wanna bleed. Once my boyfriend said periods can't hurt that much...I helped him feel the pain. Now he knows when to keep his mouth shut.   reply
16 04,2024
Nixon 16 04,2024
Thought we were talking about gacha games.. Like gacha studio, gacha-life etc…Ima just...   reply
16 04,2024
Sorry if this sounds harsh but are you fr asking this kind of question to strangers who mostly consist of teens on an illegal manga-reading site? You can't really expect to get any answers from us. Why not just seek a professional psychiatrist for a legitimate diagnosis instead of... this? And no, do not use WebMD.   1 reply
03 07,2020
16 04,2024
Trust me....It's not motivation, it's ADDICTION.... I have no right to say this, since I don't follow my own advice, but don't spend your money... It's just an endless cycle...   reply
16 04,2024
Periods [Answer]
16 04,2024
I used to be hella embarrassed about my period and literally anything related to it, but I grew a bit and matured and realized this shit is natural and goofy as hell if you’re embarrassed about it. My mom sees it as gross and she would always try and talk secretly about it or hide pads from my brothers sight so they don’t think about that yucky......   2 reply
16 04,2024
Atristia 16 04,2024
What game is it? I play Genshin, and no matter how unlucky I am, I always get at least one 5 star every 90 pulls (it's guaranteed). My advice: 1) look up how the whole pulling system works; when you're guaranteed to get a character you want etc. 2) DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THAT SHT, unless you're rich. It's not worth it. The characters are just fckin......   1 reply
16 04,2024
Alien stage [Answer]
I'm unhinged 16 04,2024
Whenever I see them in my fyp I legit break down,my deranged mental health resurfaces,my heart feels throbby and all of a sudden I find myself in a complete void of unending sadness which will reduce my lifespan.I keep thinking about him surviving. No hurting today,there will be a plot twist,Ivan respawning.The story isn't over yet.Ivan's dead and ......   2 reply
16 04,2024
16 04,2024
I hate IDV Gacha Gimme the S Naib skin for free please I'm just doing single pulls whenever I get a free essence and hoping for the best (its never going to happen)   2 reply
16 04,2024

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