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Why are posts from like 2 years resurfacing? And why this one? Who saw this and thought "lets bring this up again"?   reply
09 10,2023
Mrm scares me   reply
09 10,2023
yeah reported   2 reply
09 10,2023
lets not do this pal   1 reply
09 10,2023
I hope you suffer for putting me through this. Herta   1 reply
09 10,2023
I took one look at the cover and opped out   1 reply
09 10,2023
  1 reply
09 10,2023
I thought it was gonna be something that also involved blood/pain but it's just random cartoon cp. Not that the cartoon cp isn't bad since its also wtf bad, but its just not necessarily scarring material for me since I'm aware that it's someone's messed up fiction story xd. It'd be a different story if it was real cp . Anyway, I just skimmed theoug......   1 reply
09 10,2023
Ooohh, service boy is always a goo...nevermind ╥﹏╥   reply
09 10,2023
I want to go back before I said "bet" ;-;   reply
09 10,2023

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