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Eat Without Getting Fat

IF ONLY. [Experience]
22 04,2018
*sigh* Life is so hard.   reply
22 04,2018
Weird eating habits. [Experience]
06 04,2018
Hmm... I don't know if this counts, but I have really bad/weird eating habits... I only eat if I'm hungry, and most of the time, I actually just forget to eat... So when I do eat, it's always at really weird times (usually in the middle of the night, since I'm a complete night owl) and junk food.... Mostly I just survive on caffeine (especially tea......   1 reply
06 04,2018
Good but also not good [Experience]
I read a lot 26 02,2018
I eat and don't gain weight but I'm constantly hungry, I can eat meals fit for 2 or more people sometimes and would still be hungry. I went on a school trip once and the teacher told me I was cut off from buying and eating more food... this situation has happened more than once. There are also many moments of hunger pain when I don't eat enough and......   2 reply
26 02,2018
charsiu 26 10,2017
limit to 2000 calories a day, not more. 2000 cals is the ideal cals u consume a day i usually limit myself to 500 cals a day when im on diet. i eat usual breakfast (usually contains rice or stuffs that make me full but not overfull), skip lunch and dinner but if u cant go through lunch and dinner w/ snack try eating a protein bar just 1 bar. i dont......   4 reply
26 10,2017
Not getting fat at all [Experience]
[DELETED] 09 06,2017
At the age of 19 my weight is 44kg and now i'm 22 and still 44kg... I ate a lot but still no changes at all.... Guess i'll never getting fat??   1 reply
09 06,2017
im the greater being [Experience]
05 02,2017
eat without getting fat? pshhh i can do more than that. i can eat without getting taller as well puihaha (no, i mean it. i will forever be 4'7 ft *cries*)   2 reply
05 02,2017
Skye 04 02,2017
Eating tons without getting fat is my super power, too :D. Actually it is the result of some kinda digestive disorder. and i'm not happy w/ it at all :(   1 reply
04 02,2017
I can eat whatever I want but not get fat, however I'm always hungry no matter what I eat so it's difficult. In elementary school I started thinking I was fat (no idea how, no one ever told me that) and I stopped eating in the cafeteria. Then one day I fainted in a starwell and hit my head on the corner of a showcase, but I still kept starving myse......   2 reply
28 08,2016
still need more meal [Experience]
anne 25 06,2016
I in my 20's now.. When i was young, i always afraid to became fat. So i always eat little portion, with 3-5 times per day. And make it not hungry and not so full when i eat my portion. Since child to teen, i make through that dietary. But when there is sewing class and teacher told us to measure our body. We tend to get all person their waist meas......   reply
25 06,2016
I have no problem eating without getting fat. The only problem is for example, I might eat a bagel for breakfast. I'm still hungry so I have something else , in an amount that will keep me full until at least lunch. I have to eat big meals all the time or I'll just never not be hungry. If I don't eat that much at breakfast and don't become full, ......   reply
25 06,2016

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