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and here you are. infecting mangago with ur bullshit. let them tf be   1 reply
09 12,2020
Smh if u don't like it then move on not a big deal. You don't have to insult us just cause we enjoy something u dont particularity like. Disgusting   reply
09 12,2020
Yeah I k(no)w ri(ur a donut)ght   1 reply
09 12,2020
Man, we are so illiterate we probably can't even read your question right   reply
09 12,2020
Umm Chile anyways, what y’all want from McDonald’s?   9 reply
09 12,2020
Why tf would you waste your energy on a 6 year old   4 reply
09 12,2020
Jokes on you. Humans are, indeed, animals.   reply
09 12,2020
or let people be?   reply
09 12,2020
which kpop stan hurt you, my god-   reply
09 12,2020
If quackity can get canceled for speaking Spanish then there’s no hope for the rest of us.   1 reply
04 12,2020

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