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08 10,2023
Nah wtf, I would come close to killing that child if it scratched my face. I work my ass off to keep my skin silky smooth and glowy   2 reply
08 10,2023
Reason number 7993824732895401923 of why i dont wanna marry and have kids   1 reply
08 10,2023
alex ☠ 08 10,2023
my roommate brought over his niece, she was over here chasing me around whenever I leave my room. and bro, she LITERALLY SCRATCHED UNDER MY EYE almost all the way to the cheek. and pulled on my earring chains. my roommate really asked her if she was okay. like damn dude. most scars on my face literally never go away for months. stop having damn kids if they cant keep their hands to themselves bruh
08 10,2023
Er... well she lowkey forced me to come out after i said I don't believe in god then said the f slur days later. Lol she's transphobic too so I won't be coming out in that way anytime soon.   reply
19 07,2021
19 07,2021
Hey bestie stop saying the damn r slur and I have a strong feeling you're not black so stop with the n word too   reply
19 07,2021
exia 19 07,2021
i don’t even think your worth arguing with, like.. it’s so embarrassing to actually see your account and see the type of questions you asking! like person! if you want attention just say so! also,   reply
19 07,2021
listen the people who call themselves fujoshis are weird as fuck. But also, you know, nobody is going to take an ableist called Gojo Satoru's Cum Dumpster seriously. You’re disgusting   1 reply
19 07,2021
19 07,2021
Vasco deserves the world   3 reply
19 07,2021
not you being ableist   1 reply
19 07,2021
19 07,2021
Not you repeating a topic thats been brought up a million times in the forums without context and with a side of th R slur   1 reply
19 07,2021

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