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What should I do ? [Question]
09 04,2020
So I have a really good friend with who I talked about very personal and deep things. We talked a lot with each other, we're in the same university, and were really close. We met in september and she's leaving France for one year because our third year is abroad, she's one year ahead of me.
The thing is that since like 4 months we're less talking than before but it's normal I guess that at some point you have to slow down because you've already talked about a lot of things. So she doesn't answer my text for like one day even though I know that she's active and stuff like these. It's really frustrating because I feeli like I like her more than she does. I never resented her for not replying quickly, I totally understand the problem isn't there.
It's more that since she doesn't show me that she want to talk with me it's making me feel sad and I have less confidence in myself :/

So I was wondering if, according to you, it would be better to just stop messaging her, like, not stop answering but stop starting a conversation because if I'm always the one making the first step then it's meaningless. Or should I just continue ? Because when we're talking together it's really cool.

That's a hard choice to make for me because she really helped me a lot when I was in trouble and so did I so cutting of ties with her sounds weird but at the same time she's really making me feel sad :/ I already talked of it with her one time and in the end we didn't have time to see each other to talk in real life so she kinda forgot and we didn't go deeper and I don't want to suddenly bring that up. And since both of us are in isolation I'm probably not gonna see her before next year so I just don't know what to do...
09 04,2020
14 07,2019
I have had this experience happen to me twice, and both times they were vert close friends. Mind this that in both situations I was the one that didn’t end it but the other half ended the friendship. The first one happened 2 years ago, which was one of my closest friends in middle school and she suddenly stopped talking to me and started saying s......   reply
14 07,2019
yumeeyu 14 07,2019
I know it's a really late answer, but I really want to reply to this I think the same as you, thinking that it's the best for us to go to separate ways At first, I felt sad that they kind of distancing themselves, and they kept ending our chat when usually/before we still can carry on to another topics. After that I tried to start a chat a few t......   reply
14 07,2019
Ending a friendship [Question]
27 06,2019
I’m currently not talking with a friend as we had a dilemma happen. It almost feels like our friendship will eventually break and I don’t know how I’ll deal with it. At the same time, I think it would be the best for the both of us to go our separate ways. For any of you reading this, did you ever go through an experience of having to break off a friendship because of something? And if that happened, how’d you deal with it? Do you think it was a good decision?
27 06,2019

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