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Enmi 05 06,2020
I have looked everywhere and I can’t remember the name. It is either a webtoon or webcomic. Pretty sure it is not a manhwa or manhua. From what I remember the premise is this prince who is heir to the throne goes out to help his uncle at the border between land of the dragons and the kingdom, but his uncle betrays him and kicks him off the cliff. The prince falls down but lands on a dragon that was passing by and injures its wing. The red dragon can transform into human. Without being able to climb or fly they go on a journey to the one passage way that connects their land. On the way meeting the dragon elders and developing a bond. They end up becoming lovers in the end.
05 06,2020
Forgot title help! [Question]
15 05,2020
It was about a dragon who thinks she’s friends with the hero that tries to kill her everytime that hero visited her (the hero is a woman with white hair) when she was finally killed she swore revenged on that hero and was reincarnated as that heros daughter i forgot the title of it but its colored and the daughter has white hair too, thankyou in advance!
15 05,2020
You are female, it is less likely anything will come out, though you will produce lubricant and be very slippery inside. An orgasm will in most cases make the walls inside the vagina pulse several times. If you take a deep breath and hold it just as you reach orgasm it will be more intense and last longer (this works for men too, btw.) It's less......   2 reply
17 04,2020
Hey, I totally know where you’re coming from!! Masturbation is not disgusting at all either, it’s normal and natural. :) I’m guessing you did orgasm, but you can kinda tell if your stomach tenses up and you don’t have the need to go again.   1 reply
17 04,2020
At first it's weird and you really don't understand what's going on but after doing it a few times you'll start to figure out these things. It's part of getting to know your body. As for your question, it's hard to give a clear answer because every body is different. Also having an orgasm is not the only purpose, so don't stress out about it. The r......   reply
17 04,2020
Dude, I specialy made an account to help. It's a story on webtoons "My dear cold-blooded king". It's almosed finished and full of action and romance.   1 reply
16 04,2020
Cant find this one and its annoying since my memory of it isnt the best.
Maincharacter is a girl. Somehow she get hired in the palace. Medical apprentice or something.
The emperor is masked and has a hidden identity. Think is due to assasination attempts. Seriously cold blooded dude.
Think he even had some not so nice nickname. Other than that I remember some flirty general and a white haired dude. At some point I think I suspected the general being the emperor.....

Please help........
16 04,2020
Helpppp [Experience]
Sad 29 03,2020
I read this manga but i forgot the name and im going crazy cause i wanna read it again. If u want to help, the manga is about a guy A and another guy b the guy b has like a bet that if the guy a falls inlove with him he gets something then after that the guy a falls inlove with guy b then, the guy a found out it was just a bet so he be sad, then g......   2 reply
29 03,2020
Bro u guys suck I found it though! It’s called Just Give It To Me and u guys should give it a read :)   reply
28 03,2020
Ok so I started this manhwa months ago and I forgot what it was called. It was about this college chick that’s pretty open with her sex life and would sleep around. Idk she cuffed some cute guy at her college, but it turns out that he’s not willing to have sex at all bc he’s scared of getting her pregnant or something. Blah blah blah character development, he moves in with her, she’s a streamer who mainly talks about her sex life, there was a scene where she was helping her friend out at her tattoo parlor and had a client tried to seduce her (the client was a hot chick who I’d die for), uhh the MC finally got to bang the guy and said some shit about how she likes to “conquer” him because it’s satisfying or something. I don’t remember the rest, so if my shit description reminded you guys of anything please tell me!!! Thank u in advanced :))
01 03,2020

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