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[DELETED] 07 09,2020
I'd prefer if we didn't have a specific title but ngl this is cute.   1 reply
07 09,2020
Rants [Answer]
07 09,2020
Just wanna tell all the sisters posting their rants that you can always use the "i got one cunt, i don't need another one" phrase. Works like a charm for me.   reply
07 09,2020
Plastic Surgery [Answer]
07 09,2020
dunno if this helps but this is how i see it i don’t think i’m ‘pretty’ or ‘ugly’ i’m just decent i like the way i look in a mirror but i don’t like what other people see (so if it’s flipped round) like i have a really unsymmetrical face BUT i think to myself .. everyone around me sees me like this so they’re probably used to it......   reply
07 09,2020
Thank youuuuuuuuuu even tho I don’t care bout everyone bashing me for being a fujoshi thank you they never understand that we ain’t all likin’ rape and pedos and all that shit hmph thank you.   1 reply
07 09,2020
honestly, i don't really think there should be a name. just people who like romance, yk? it sort of just separates and it may lead to more fetishizing and i don't want that for myself or other wlw. i don't really know, tho. maybe i'm being silly or too sensitive. eh.   reply
07 09,2020
Rants [Answer]
07 09,2020
my mom has problems and has horrible temper. On one hand she's relatively tolerant, and kind, and I know she loves me and wants the best for me. But then she's also incredible strict. She's given me stitches and bruises and mental breakdowns. At the end of the day, she'll cry at my bed and say sorry im sorry im sorry and call herself a monster- hon......   2 reply
07 09,2020
07 09,2020
Ok so you know how BL fans have like an official title. Don’t you think it’s kinda weird how GL fans don’t? So to distract myself from that long ass paragraph that I just finished writing, tell me what you think GL fans are called or what you think they should be called. It doesn’t have to be a Japanese name either. It can be an English name if you want. I look forward to reading these.
07 09,2020
Rants [Answer]
07 09,2020
here i go ;) i’m actually stupid right, like i don’t say it cause it’s ‘cute’ or ‘quirky’ i’m genuinely kinda dumb. like i’m alright at school subjects and shit but when it comes to remembering things and doing day to day things my brain go brrrr like tf .. i’m an only child too so i don’t do much round the house (it’s been ......   3 reply
07 09,2020
Rants [Answer]
07 09,2020
You asked...You will receive ^-^Having weekend homework like wtf? I consider my weekends my relaxing days but all my teachers want me to die from homework and stress like ngl it is working. :/ my sister making me do her homework like- uh I barely know how to do mine dum dum- My sisters fighting over Roblox or crying cause they lost a game- bitch I......   reply
07 09,2020

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