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poodles [Experience]
14 04,2018
they were two poodles one white one black. I dont remember the white ones names since its been years I had it since it ran away. (my dumb brother tied it to a bucket and thought it wouldn't be able to run away.) and a girl called Nayla that i love so much I remember playing with them and their puppies (we couldn't keep :/) and eventually Nayla got ......   reply
14 04,2018
good boys [Experience]
20 02,2018
Mine was a male white siberian husky named Skye. I moved in with my grandparents when I was 6 and the dog was my uncle's, but he went to jail so he ended up being ours. He was really lazy, loved to run away, and he had blue eyes. I think he's still alive.   1 reply
20 02,2018
My first pet... [Experience]
Tea Enthusiast 10 01,2018
My first pet was a jet-black, Australian Cattle mix. She was a very active girl, often seeking out adventure, usually getting into some sort of mischief, nonetheless, we loved and cared for her dearly; I had her for a total of 15 years, but passed away from old age on the 13th of October in 2015. Friday, at 12:06 noon. Raising an animal is hard w......   reply
10 01,2018
Pets are a pain in the @ss to take care of. Especially when there's 30+ Stressfull. (〜 ̄- ̄)〜 ....I hate ma life   reply
10 01,2018
Land snail [Experience]
27 07,2017
My first pets were land snails, white-lipped snail(Cepaea hortensis) and copse snail(Arianta arbustorum). Pikked them up from garden one rainy day. Kep them in large glass jar and fed cucumber, carrot and lettuce. occasionally I feed cuttlefish bone to keep their shell healthy. I had them about 1 and half year.   reply
27 07,2017
A chick♡ [Experience]
shionne 01 07,2017
My first pet is a little chick~♡ a reaaaallllyyyy cutteeee one. But she only lasted for like a couple of weeks. Still, it was my first heartbreak and i cried for so long like even after a year i'd still bawl my eyes out everytime i remember our moments together kkkkkkk. I used to squeeze her all the time because of how cute she is and I'm pretty ......   reply
01 07,2017
a cute lil rabbit [Experience]
26 07,2016
So i bought a cute lil rabbit. It was mixed colored gray and white. It was so freakin' cute. (=・ω・=) One day i left in on the floor of my room coz i was looking for a book when my grandma's cat suddenly came in and killed it. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ It got me screaming like a banshee, seeing my baby bloody. The effin' cat bit my baby's neck an......   1 reply
26 07,2016
My grandpa got him from a friend who lived in a farm. He was SO hyper, a beautiful golden retriever. Unfortunately, he was very adventurous....and horny. He always ran out (even though we took him out PLENTY), and had sex with all the females. Since he still had all his reproductive parts, the girls were always getting pregnant ( ̄∇ ̄"). So my ......   reply
19 07,2016
30 06,2016
i dont quite remember my first, sicne ive had tons of pets come and go, not to mention fostering dozens every summer... here's my list, as far as i can remember: fish- lots (i have an outdoor pond with tons, maybe in the 20s) my whole life cats- i have 3 current, and 2 that have passed away. turtle- one, not anymore, named fluffy and we fed it hot......   reply
30 06,2016
When I was very young we had two rats (too long ago to remember their names). After that we got a dog named Chernouh (russian for black-eared). When I was learning english, I called him Shadow. He was a very smart dog and responded to both names. Oh, and he was a dalmatian. A very handsome dog.   reply
12 06,2016

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