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It's no secret I've got no life. My sleep-deprived ass be haunting every thread in the sharing page.   1 reply
01 08,2020
I only stop when I physically can no longer both see or read gets blurry . I barely get 2 hrs of sleep . I hav . No .regrets. Other then my panda eyes ofc (=・ω・=)   1 reply
01 08,2020
lol I basically live here   2 reply
01 08,2020
I just kind realized I don’t have a life. I feel like when I’m older I’m gonna be an old lady who fantasizes over anime/Manhwa boys bruh. I gonna be one of those old otakus LMAO that sits home all day and watch anime’s for the plot. Before quarantine my hours on this app where like 1-2 hours and anime was like 4-7 hours. Oh well as long......   1 reply
13 08,2020
Y’all don’t know how many hours I spend on stupid ass Site my sleep is no more uwu   reply
01 08,2020
Other than when I'm sleeping or busy doing things irl,im always on mangago lurking around like a gremlin. Around 6 hours? But not 6 hours straight I be reading then take a break to go to insta and come back to read again and repeat. LOL WHO AM I KIDDING its not 6 hours I'm actually on more than 10 hours after quarantine mhm. I'm living comfortably ......   1 reply
01 08,2020
12hours and 2 minutes today   reply
13 08,2020
I have no life except here so yea   reply
13 08,2020
7hrs and 40mins   reply
12 08,2020
I don’t give a fuck no more. Probably like 6 hours a day or some shit...   reply
01 08,2020

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