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Insert name 28 01,2018
I never talk in school, at home yes but lately I'm not bothered to. I make sure to try to breath through my mouth sometimes cos it can stink if closed too long. You'd be amazed at how much people are ticked off at introverts even though I don't know jack shit about them. People think I'm innocent and kind lol   1 reply
28 01,2018
25 05,2019
My doctor told me not to speak for two weeks, if I liked my voice chords to heal faster. The only thing I said during that time was hello/goodbye to the cashier at the supermarket and I love you to my boyfriend, but only quietly^^" It was way easier than I imagined, but people got really confused and thought I was in a bad mood because of it xD   1 reply
25 05,2019
12 09,2019
I have selective mutism. I’ve gone weeks without talking ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ a day is no biggie...   2 reply
12 09,2019
Stranger 15 12,2020
i can go a long time without talking. id go days without talking if my family never bothered me.   reply
15 12,2020
04 12,2020
I wanna be quiet so I'll look mysterious. Sadly, I just won't shut up. Hahahaha ╥﹏╥   1 reply
04 12,2020
Claudia Silva
21 06,2019
I have selective mutism so I can do it.   reply
21 06,2019
♡yaoibby 21 06,2019
I'm a gimini. Even if i wanted to, i wouldn't be able to.   reply
21 06,2019
08 03,2017
I do it once in a while especially around the times when I'm sick or just don't feel like talking   1 reply
08 03,2017
21 06,2019
Lmao not talking for a day, I could do that with ease. I'm used to not saying much/being completely slient since I've been this way for as long as I can remember.   reply
21 06,2019
potatoishere 21 06,2019
Um I don't think I have because even if there is no one for me to talk to, I talk to myself lol   reply
21 06,2019

not talking a for day

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