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My non-yaoi hated anime is anything that is really, really, really bland, to the point there's no surprise whatsoever, no charismatic character, boring sountrack, etc. I experienced that in Izumo and then, had a re-run of it in Monochrome Factor. So... blah. Izumo is still the one I hate the most, tho. My yaoi hated anime is Mirage of Blaze. Becau......   1 reply
10 05,2016
Non-Yaoi hated anime - I don't have one, because I always choose carefully ;) Yaoi hated anime - 'Boku ni pico' of course Non-Yaoi hated manga - I also don't have one, but I guess it could be a shoujo :P Yaoi hated manga - Mostly stories with cheating, love triangles and crybaby/stupid uke. I hate mentally weak characters. Well, I guess it's 'Inn......   1 reply
30 05,2016
My non-yaoi hated anime is Sword Art Online. I don't know why I hate it, I saw the first season with no problem, but when I tried to rewatch the first season and to watch the second season I relised that I don't like it. Usually I go with shounen so I don't really like things like SAO, I like more things like Boku no Hero Academia and no, I don't l......   reply
10 05,2016
My Non-Yaoi hated Anime is (probably) One Piece... LOL no- i just sulking because it never end. The real one is maybe Seisen Cuberus... i just hate it... never actually watch it fully coz it's soooo boringgg- i have high expectation for that Anime this season but- i drop it from my watch list. My Yaoi hated Anime probably Boku no Pico (OVA 2 & 3, ......   reply
10 05,2016
Hated Non-Yaoi would be... hm... I wouldn't say the whole manga was bad, but Naruto's ending was a bag full of disappointment. I spent 12 years invested in the work, only to get a fan-service ending. Most Hated Yaoi is Okane ga Nai... it is literally every pet peeve I have of the genre rolled into one manga-- I'll stop here, I'm not gonna rant.   reply
11 05,2016
Non-Yaoi Anime That I Hate: Either School Days (main character's a dick) or Vampire Knight (main character annoyed the fuck out of me). Yaoi Anime That I Hate: Boku No Sexual Harassment. Don't know why. Just pisses me off. Non-Yaoi Manga That I Hate: Playground Love. I hated everything about this manga. Yaoi Manga That I Hate: Either Warui Yume ......   reply
11 05,2016
My non-yaoi anime that I hated... It has to be Blood-c... GOD I HATE IT SO MUCH!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Yaoi anime I hated. I guess is Enzai... (Most likely I spelled it incorrect) It just made me feel wrong for watching it. Non yaoi manga... I don't think I have one all the mangas that I do find that aren't yaoi related I often enjoyed since they......   3 reply
03 05,2016
My most hated yaoi definitely 'Koi No Tsumeato', i'm so angry that i wasted my time on it, i despise with all my heart. My most hated non yaoi is Sword Art Online. I just despise it. I don't understand how it is popular when I've seen way better. But my opinion.   1 reply
03 05,2016
My most hated yaoi would be Enzai, and honestly to me it is much worse than boku no pico... this is basically cruel pedophily, rape, gang rape etc so yeah, way worse Aaand my most hated non-yaoi is mirai nikki (dont hit me), as much as i love Akise it was honestly the only thing that kept me from dropping the manga, until you-know-what happened, an......   1 reply
06 05,2016
My Non-Yaoi hated Anime is probably SAO My Yaoi hated Anime is none cuz I luv me some Boku no Pico with a side of Enzai and Shounen Maid Kuro-kun serving it to me (≧∀≦) My Yaoi hated Manga is Misshitsu because it wasn't good rape, it was kind of boring My Non-Yaoi hated Manga is Junji Ito and you'll have to read that f*cked up sh*t to find ......   1 reply
08 05,2016

first kiss

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