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skincare in quarantine

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2020-08-24 07:54:25 About drop your skincare routine
I am currently shopping for a lot of products for my skincare routine to ensure that my face wouldn't look ugly af when I go back to school. There is a chance I might have a purging reaction to the products as I have never invest so much into it but

Just wanna ask you guys your skin care routines. Your skin condition. Your diet. Etc.

Currently thinking about purchasing a purito sunscreen, iunik centella, iunik calming cream, iunik cleansing oil

Struggling with finding a cleanser for my face...very discouraged by reviews and the good ones are sold out like damn.


misanthrpic August 25, 2020 7:20 pm

hi! i’m not sure how old you are, because i’m 17 so my skincare routine is pretty simple and may not be of much help if you’re in your 20s etc. i’m also on a budget!!! my skin used to be dry but since i started taking care of it it’s improved a lot.

morning - i rinse my face with water only. apparently cleansers are really stripping so unless you have hella oily skin, it’s best to only use a cleanser at night! cleansing excessively leads to over-stripped, irritated and dry skin. then i put on the ordinary’s HA serum + cerave moisturising lotion + spf 50 (not sure which one, but i think it’s for babies haha bc i have pretty sensitive skin). reapply ur spf!!

night - neutrogena sesame oil cleanser (if u wear spf/makeup) + cerave hydrating cleanser (really great for dry/combo/normal skin with non-irritating ingredients). double cleansing rlly improved my skin so give that a try :) while my skin is still damp, i put on the ordinary’s HA serum, then niacinimide + zinc serum, then marula oil.

i don’t recommend exfoliation (aha/bha etc), retinols or too many active ingredients for teens bc our skin can regulate itself quite well. if u have specific skin concerns e.g. acne then using specific actives e.g. a bha like salicylic acid in cleansers/creams may help tho. i’d recommend thinking about the particular issues u have with ur skin and then looking into how to solve them. if ur under 20 defo keep it really simple - cleanser, moisturiser, spf THEN additional things you feel you need like a toner. use the least amount of products u can. a lot of skincare advice online is from adults, who have pretty different needs from teenagers.

check out SkincareByHyram, Cassandra Bankson, Dr Dray and Liah Yoo (i noticed ur into korean skincare) on YouTube. they’re really helpful :)

diet wise, try cutting down on foods with a high GI-index (sugary foods, white bread, potatoes, white rice). removing gluten or dairy from the diet also helps some people. drink only water and herbal tea.

exercise regularly and SLEEP!!! these are so important!!! put ur phone down an hour before you fall asleep (not that I do this lol but whatever).

good luck w ur exams also! <33

misanthrpic August 25, 2020 7:23 pm

correction- at night, i use cerave moisturising lotion after the serums and before the marula oil

Lanwangji August 26, 2020 3:40 am

Thank you for your reply.

I am nearing my twenties and haven't been suffering from intense acne so I have avoided the exfoliating step since my skin is super and i dont think i would need them now.

Have you experienced like a breakout or purge after after using the hyaluronic acid and niacinamide serum? Cuz i really want to try them to get rid of my acne scars and pigmentation around my lips and even out my skin tone? Has it shown you positive results.

Kime1995 August 25, 2020 12:42 pm

I have dry skin - I used to have combination skin when I was a teen (in my mid twenties now). Definitely agree that diet can drastically impact your skin, I try not to eat stuff with added sugar on a regular basis - if I want something sweet, I go for fruit (I try anyway - no one is perfect). As for skin, I think it's a trial and error situation, unfortunately. I wrote out my routine for some friends and I'll drop it here if anyone finds it helpful:

Here is my skincare routine - I don’t do all these steps daily so this is the most extra version. The steps I don’t do everyday are marked with an asterisk.
1.I go over my face with a cotton pad soaked in the Garnier Micellar Water (the pink cap one for sensitive skin)

2.I wash my face with lukewarm water and the Cosrx Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser

3.I air dry my face then I put on the Nip + Fab Gycolic Fix Mask all over my face and let it sit for about 10-15 min. Then I wash it off with lukewarm water*
Note on masks: I’ll use masks based on what my skin concerns are so if I have a breakout, I’ll use the Lush Mask of Magnaminty or if my skin is feeling a bit clogged then I’ll use the Innisfree Jeju volcanic pore clay mask

4. I air dry my face and when it’s still a bit moist, I put some Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner on my hands and pat it into my face

5.I put on a sheet mask and follow its instructions, I use any residual liquid from the packet and the mask on my neck, hands, elbows and other dry patches of skin*
Note on sheet masks: I don’t have a favourite but I’ve liked masks from Nature Republic, The Yeon, The Face Shop, Grace and Stella, Tony Moly and Etude House

6.I put 3-4 drops of The Ordinary’s Retinol 0.5% in Squalene on one palm, press my hands together and pat them all over my face
Note on retinol: when I first started using retinol, I went for the lowest percentage and only put it on 2-3 times a week for the first two weeks - too much too quickly can be irritating and drying for the skin. My skin adapted after a month and I started putting it on every day. After I finished my first bottle (0.2%), I moved up to 0.5%

7.I gently dab on some eye cream with my ring finger under and above my eye
Note on eye cream: I don’t have a favourite but the Benton Fermentation Eye Cream and Mizon Collagen Power Firming Eye Cream were both fine

8.If my skin has been feeling particularly dry (this happens a lot in winter) I’ll pat on the Avene Soothing Moisture Mask

9.Final Step! I finish off with a sleeping pack (a thick watery cream/jelly) to seal all the products in. I’m currently using the Cosrx Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Spa Mask but I’ve also used the Laneige Water Sleeping Mask and the Etude House Moistfull Collagen Sleeping Pack which were great too

Day (it’s a lot simpler because who can be bothered in the morning):

1.I wash my face with lukewarm water and the Cosrx Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser
2.I air dry my face and when it’s still a bit moist, I put some Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner on my hands and pat it into my face
3.I put 2-3 drops of the Upcircle Beauty Organic Face Serum with Coffee Oil on one palm, press my hands together and pat them all over my face
4.I wait 5 min for my skin to absorb the products before putting on the Cosrx Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA+++ which I reapply every 2-3 hours if I’m going outside

That’s it!

Lanwangji August 25, 2020 12:48 pm

thank you. The thing is I am both excited and scared for my first skin care routine. I am scared that I break out and this would be extremely stressful as I have exams these last months of the year. But like you is trail and error...people can laugh about my break out...i will try to keep it positive

Kime1995 August 25, 2020 2:17 pm
thank you. The thing is I am both excited and scared for my first skin care routine. I am scared that I break out and this would be extremely stressful as I have exams these last months of the year. But like y... Lanwangji

That's the spirit! And stress can also cause break outs so it might be natural to experience some around exams, I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry about your skin around that time - it is resilient. I used to have really bad skin but it eventually got better/I learned how to manage it. Good luck with your exams and I hope you find a skincare routine that works for you x

Lanwangji August 25, 2020 2:46 pm
That's the spirit! And stress can also cause break outs so it might be natural to experience some around exams, I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry about your skin around that time - it is re... Kime1995

thank you so much....i will push through...never had clear skin after I reached adolescence...want to have that good skin for myself

shion August 25, 2020 12:21 pm

What currently work the best for my dehydrated oily skin is hadalabo cleansing oil, hadalabo AHA/BHA mild peeling facewash, hatomugi skin conditioner high moist, hadalabo gokujun hyaluronic lotion, and the ordinary niacinamide serum.
Tbh from my experience dealing with super moody skin, skincare doesnt really effective. Sure it help keep your skin healthy but what really do the job is changing your diet. I dont really eat dairy product and spicy food, i also try to use oil as little as i can. Lower your sugar is also help. It really depend on your body, so try to track which food your skin hate and make your own diet ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Lanwangji August 25, 2020 12:41 pm

It sounds like a pain because I love my spices and have limited food that I like. So I dont really keep track of what I eat.

I drink tons of diary. Luckily at my school there are almond milk and rice milk so I should be fine with that.

And I see that you are a hada labo girl. I was about to purchase their cleanser but decided to pick Heimish instead. Just to see if it is fine. I have dry to combination skin i think. Most products nowadays targets oily skin and mu dry ass gets dehydrated a lot from my first cleansers.

Can i ask you about your niacinimide serum? Did you purge or break out or get a rash? Cuz u really want to try it for my acne scars and pigmentation? Just feel scared since it would be my first time.

fujoshi132 August 25, 2020 9:46 am

try the cosrx salicylic acid cleanser! that one was a godsend for me, immediately cleared all my breakouts and helped me control new ones whenever i had my period.

Lanwangji August 25, 2020 12:45 pm

I saw that one
I heard some good reviews but most of them says that it is a bit drying which is wprrisome for someone with dry to combination skin.

Do you use any serums? Do you think it is necessary? I mean i am about to go to a dry cold country for three do you think I need additional serums like hyaluronic acid or niacinamide. Hella worried. Especially if I get brsak outs there because I will take a year book pic soon