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I want to be an author

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2020-09-06 08:52:47 About becoming a writer
there is this heavy and nauseating stigma surrounding 'authors' and especially those who write on wattpad. Though I have seen bad stories, there are tons of very original and promising love or romance stories for all age groups.

I myself want to be a writer because it is a passion of mine to share my creative side and imaginations. But that will do along side another serious job. I dont judged those who pursue this as their one and only job since writing takes a long long time.

I begin writing fanfics when I was younger and has since deleted it. Now I write more original stories based on my experiences. So far I have planned out about 3 novel ideas. Written about 1/4 of the modern teen romance whilst researching for the historical romance set in SOUTHEAST ASIA.

I am just wondering if any of you guys here are writers? Have you written anything? Share summaries. Your journey and ur plans.

I know that is 4 or 5 years i will find this book and my writing style cringy but I need a place to get this out anyways. It improves my writing immensely and I have fun going to school. I observe people anf note down their characteristics or reactions or catch phrase and try to make my book as realistic as possible


Aliezofwonderland May 9, 2021 5:44 pm

Well, I've written many books and only published a few. In wattpad and several publishing platforms, I've published two on going books but recently I've put one of it on hold.

Its nice to know that there are fellow writers here (=・ω・=)

Lanwangji May 22, 2021 12:28 pm

That is amazing

camaraderieflowers123 November 28, 2020 11:16 pm

Sadly, I'm not really a writer. Just someone who imagines stories in their mind. I also want to start out my stories that I've been creating in my imagination, and I have yet to actually put them into first drafts, so I guess like a newborn writer (ˉ▽ˉ;)... I'm just not sure of how I want/can make these stories alive like in animation, digital art, writing, webcomics, etc...

Is your story on wattpad? I'd like to read it!

Lanwangji December 7, 2020 8:25 am

Yes it is. I am planning on updating rough drafts soon
It is called Chasing the Girl Who Never Looks Back. English in jot my first language but I am trying my hardest

Chisai Potato November 23, 2020 6:21 am

Hi, im writing my first book right now so im pretty excited. I have never done it before and im struggling to get started.

Lanwangji December 7, 2020 8:26 am

Good luck to the both of us...fighting ~~~~

Amoria October 20, 2020 1:33 am

Hello~ I adore writing as well!

Honestly, reading and writing both mean a lot to me, and is a main focus in my life. Whether I'm in class or eating food, I always seem to be daydreaming about random stories. I just love how they send you to another magical world -- it's addicting!

I understand what you mean about the stigma surrounding wattpad stories, there truly are some real gems on it!

I used to write a lot and post it (though I've deleted those stories now), mainly centered around romance or fantasy themes, especially when I went through an 'isekai' reading phase, and there were a fair number of views as well, but unfortunately I didn't plan it out properly and lost track of where I was going with the story, eventually dropping it.

I did consider continuing it, but I didn't want to write in a half-assed sort of way since the person reading it wouldn't enjoy reading it, and I wouldn't have fun writing it.

Recently I've been planning out several ideas, but I haven't really put it down properly yet.

I've also gotten really into webtoons along with novels in the past year, so I've been thinking of a way to tell the stories I long to tell.

Of course, I don't really know if I can ever write out a whole story, but writing is like a safe haven of mine, so I'll write even if it's only the beginning to a million different stories. If I can write a story out (I'm currently trying to plan out a post-apocolyptic novel) then I think I'll be extremely happy?

I have a lot of drafts, so looking back at some is a bit cringy to see, but it's also so fun to see the random ideas and snippets I wrote down.

If I do manage to write a story out completely, one that I can embrace the characters and truly immerse myself in the world, then I think I'll make a webtoon.

I can't draw. My writing has been said to be fairly good, but my drawing... yeah I've only done it for a few months in my entire life. I don't think that'll stop me though, since I want to see my story laid out.

If I ever do make that webtoon from that 'first' story that I manage to complete, I might go into making webtoons? Novels and webtoons both I think.

I figured, hey, maybe I should practice drawing and just make a story. But I like writing, and it's been with me for so long that I just want to write for myself. It's great fun seeing the words on paper (or document) so in the future I hope to spend my free time writing novels, planning stories and maybe (just maybe) creating webtoons.

Course, I'll probably still have a job, don't know what yet, but I'll think about it when it comes around.

Most importantly, I just want to keep making stories. Art, words, as long as there's a story in it.

Anyway! This might've been repetitive -- I got a little too into it ^^;; It's a bit long too, but I thought I'd share my thoughts anyway, since I already wrote it out and all.

Additionally! Your story looks lovely, I adore romance books so, so much! Good luck with your writing, I bet it'll turn out so good! (Also I love the name Lucien for the first one, though I love all the days, Lucien is such a nice name! ヾ(☆▽☆))

Lanwangji December 7, 2020 8:28 am

I love it toooo.... it took me such a long time to give him a cool name but I love Alex as a character more.

Most of them are based on real people I met. I study as a scholarship student so I want to make this as realistic as possible.

And I relate so so much with everything so said about the writing steps and writing lack luster stories

numnum September 17, 2020 4:55 pm

Oh did you write this? It looks like a really cute story ^o^ I also want to become a writer but my drawing skills are a million times better than my writing skills so I just simply gave up T.T

Lanwangji December 7, 2020 8:30 am

I envy youuuu so much haha. I want to be good at drawing hahahahah..
I am not good at writing actually, but I am quite funny. Hopefully hahah

So I am a scholarship student at a prestigious boarding school and thus this book is largely fictional but based on real lstuff and reaction. I hope it turns out well. Thank you for the compliment