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growing up in a sexist fam is... dramatic too.   1 reply
16 05,2021
Apparently my uncle and aunt are biologically related (cousins) because someone fucked up and neglected to tell us that my uncles father had a brother the family excommunicated. My uncle fell in love with my aunt (his cousin), unaware that they were related. Everyone found out at the wedding because my uncles father looked a little too much like ......   1 reply
16 05,2021
After reading the answers I think my family is not so fucked up. Still Imma gonna share some shit they did. My Uncle (distant relative) is in living relationship with my oldest aunt(close relative) while he is still lawfully married to his real wife and she(his real wife) has no problem with it. Like wtf give him divorce. But she says she is okay ......   reply
16 05,2021
I recently heard that half my relatives have married 2-3 times and still have lingering affairs, some are separated but still married by law. One of them even received death threats from a lover. Also some of my cousins are apparently adopted. Where have I been all these years to not have heard abt any of these? And I'm not even mentioning all the ......   reply
16 05,2021
I was sexually assaulted by some close relatives and friends. This is no secret to a good portion of the family.   1 reply
16 05,2021
oh man im about to go on a long tangent Starting with my grandmother, she apparently used to quite literally get beaten to death by her mother, strapped to a bed and everything. Also learned that most of her siblings are either dead, in prison, or living with regular lives, she had like 12 siblings, one that she actually knew, the other she didn'......   1 reply
16 05,2021
Molested by an uncle on my mom’s side between age 5 and 7, was apparently bribed to say my mom knew and didn’t stop it so my dad’s side of the family had the satisfaction to take me away from my mom. Then not even a few years later my dad tried to reconnect with his mother who he thought was his distant sister for years only to leave me with ......   1 reply
16 05,2021
Dude, until like October of 2020, I had no idea that my mom had been married before my dad. Cause she always dissed everyone else in the family for having divorces like tf mom such a hypocrite. And the fact that she was probably going to divorce my dad when he used to have a serious drug/cigarettes/alcohol addiction that i BARELY remember I was lik......   reply
16 05,2021
I only know that my mother’s biological father was a super famous basketball star and a cousin from that side of the family became the baby mama of a “famous” rapper whose names sounds like a fucking type of airplane and she nearly beat another one of his baby mamas to death because jealousy? Idk it was fucking stupid... I got her mugshot fro......   reply
16 05,2021
my aunt told me my grandma threw a fckn knife at her   2 reply
16 05,2021

family drama

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