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I Would Make Them My Severnt- I Mean Best Friend They Have Good Looks And Talent Seems Worth A Shot.   reply
15 09,2020
nosleep 15 09,2020
was he rich by any chance..? I can't remember but if he was then u best believe imma get that coin   reply
15 09,2020
15 09,2020
I'd say 'wow, i barely even remember that!'. I'd feel a bit bad for them despite also being annoyed by how they lied to try and get my attention. Then I'd tell them that they are super talented and should maybe join an art club as an extracurricular activity as nobody will take the piss outta them there. I think they could end up being a good frien......   reply
15 09,2020
Cold Feet 15 09,2020
Hit 'em with a "..." and then sternly lecture them about how misguided and weird it is to date someone just to share a hobby (like dating a foreign exchange student just to practice their language) instead of simply minding your own business and finding better friends who don't talk shit about your interests. Finish with a "I'm not dating you out o......   1 reply
15 09,2020
Y'all are forgetting this is a MANGA. If I was in the manga world I would do what any romance manga protag would do, and that would be blush furiously and ask to take things slow   reply
15 09,2020
15 09,2020
try it out, he doesn't sound like a bad person, but "I" do need to clear up some misunderstandings   reply
15 09,2020
- Okay it's cool that I did something good but I didn't think I would gain a stalker for my "kindness", a thank you would've been enough   reply
15 09,2020

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