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21 07,2017
I have a friend who really hates weaboos but she kept on saying how much she hates her country and wants to hurry and move to Japan lol   2 reply
21 07,2017
My friend is a weeaboo. She's really annoying too. She uses japanese words in normal sentences "Hentai," "Kawaii," etc. It gets on my nerves but I don't say anything. She's also always trying to do cliche manga things by talking about boobs, clinging to me, and talking very openly about things better left unknown.   2 reply
03 08,2017
I mean My friends and I are all cosplayers, so we kind of all have to be weeb trash ahahaha we go to cons together and such I do have some friends who don't cosplay, but still love anime+manga+games I guess I'm also lucky that I grew up in an area where this kind of stuff was popular. Kids here are doomed to be trash like us.   reply
27 07,2017
I hate weaboos/koreaboos and I don't like cosplaying/cosplayers too. I feel like no one does justice to the character they're playing n the meaning of the characters itself disappears for me. And yes I've seen many of them around me but I never have been friends with one nor has it ever spark my interest. It's cute when people use terms like "daisu......   3 reply
06 08,2017
I have an internet friend who is a weeaboo, he keeps saying he watched all the anime and using Japanese words in chats,   1 reply
06 08,2017
Not really. Any who were are out of that phase. I'm a little worried I might be one, though.   reply
06 08,2017
I think I must have had such friends at some point, being part of an association about asian culture and all, but it didn't really bother me at that time... We grew geographically distant and now I don't have much contact with them. I'm sure (I hope) they grew out of it and if we happen to meet again I hope we could have a good laugh reminiscing. N......   reply
06 08,2017
i actually have a good number of weeaboo friends... my high school has an anime club... i have 2 really good yaoi friends who i share mangas with and they recommend me some as well. they act normal with me and me with them. its like we enjoy the same genre of tv shows and so we share what mangas and other sh!t we like. i also buy them anime merch f......   reply
28 07,2017

first kiss

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