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26 11,2020
hope i never cross her path in real life..........   1 reply
26 11,2020
Hmmmm you worded it pretty wrong so many people would take it the wrong way y'know. I'm not gonna focus on the feminist part, I do agree the gender don't have anything to do with determining who is a better caretaker or a parent of a child, also I can't help but to wonder how are y'all offended by feminism....? What's wrong with it honestly for you......   1 reply
26 11,2020
this joke actually funny asl lmaoo   1 reply
14 12,2020
Not me wondering if arrows actually have points and creating a whole conspiracy theory that took up an hour of my time. No sir/ma'am/ nonbinary fam. Definitely not me.   reply
14 12,2020
It's depends of children. I don't think it d be problems with father. But if, for exp., mother rises her son alone, he d be too soft. If it's about boy, there must be a father   3 reply
26 11,2020

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