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lmao who tf is "we"? i ain't their parents. it's not my job to supervise children on the internet.   1 reply
12 12,2020
No no, let them continue objectifying people and drooling over 2d boys holding hands, and then let them wonder why they’re a social outcast.   1 reply
12 12,2020
im a fujo kid but i dont "categorize gay and lesbian relationships with tops and bottoms" i dont mix reality with the manhwa/huas/manga im reading. though i know im "too young" and im sorry. but some teens also discovered yaoi at the age of 11 or even younger than that, so who's wrong and who's right?   1 reply
12 12,2020
Look. People who fetishise gay relationships are highly misguided but there’s nothing wrong with teens enjoying porn. Like bruh, everyone starts watching porn at around 12-13, get cho boomer ass outta here   3 reply
12 12,2020
Dw they'll just cringe at theirselves for doing this as they get older   reply
12 12,2020
cant agree with you more, i think telling them is useless they have to realize it themselves   reply
12 12,2020
Ok so I am part of the younger generation and i really agree with you. I love romance manga and whether its gay or not isn't that big of a deal to me, i like the romance and relationship side rather than the sex side. A lot of fujoshis obsess over gay relationships and don't seem to realize that yaoi and yuri isn't realistic compared to real life, ......   7 reply
12 12,2020
Oftentimes, I fell like I'm the oldest in this site. I'm 32. I frequently see posts about school stuff, making me assume majority of readers here are youngsters.   reply
12 12,2020
I agree with you and I wanna add that I have a problem when they CANNOT for the love of anything separate fiction from reality. From what I’ve seen it mainly happens with men. Like there was this video of some random Asian boys who were obviously friends and they were just sitting there together and the comments were like, “omgosh my bl heart c......   reply
12 12,2020
We can't really do much about it beside warning them. They're the ones who'll realize their mistake at the end. Instead of worrying about those pricks, just do something you like instead of worrying. And yes, you're right this generation is fucked up.   reply
12 12,2020

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