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"I'll be gentle" "Just a little bit more."   reply
17 03,2021
The very last man on earth went into an empty room and sat by the back wall. He then heard a knock on the door.   reply
14 12,2020
Your reading yaoi and your mom walks in the end :)   reply
17 03,2021
u met these bitches   reply
23 02,2021
And blood went everywhere The End   1 reply
17 03,2021
A long day of work was done, I quickly soaked myself on my warm bath tub. Feeling rested, I fell into slumber. I open my eyes, it was dark and I feel suffocated. Turns out I was in the brink of death, drowning. It was too late. It's not a Horror Story but oh well.   reply
14 12,2020
The little girl ran down the hall of her family's estate crying out for her little brown bear, it was a precious thing her mother bought her just before she died. She couldn't lose it! A snicker was heard from behind a locked down and the door slowly opened a creak being her from the door not being well oiled. Red eyes glowed from behind the door w......   1 reply
14 12,2020
14 12,2020
"Miss, a young woman should be quiet, motherly, and her only devotion is to serve her husband in any way shape or form." The maid turned the young woman's head towards the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and tears rolled down the side of her face. Her tongue was cut off and she couldn't do anything but give a lovely smile. Her bosom was filled with......   2 reply
14 12,2020
“What’s that?” “What’s what?” “That thing under your bed.”   reply
17 03,2021
She heard a sudden knock at her window. It was four in the morning. Was she dreaming? Another knock. Fears started to spread through her body. She slowly got up from her bed and looked through the window and saw... It's actually five in the morning and I'm wide awake so excuse my shitty writing   reply
14 12,2020

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