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I would pit on my earphones with my fav music and lay on my bed and not think about anything just maybe recalling some of my good and bad memories smile a little then close my eyes and then just...die   reply
06 06,2021
If the world was going to end in a week and a half. I'd have mixed reactions. First I would be scared because in my religion there is this thing called the rapture and If I was left behind means I'm going to hell... Yeah so Id Probably have a mental breakdown. Then I would. Cry. Regret my life decisions. I guess that wasn't a mix reactions after al......   reply
29 12,2020
commit arson then kill myself   reply
06 06,2021
Confess to all the people that I had/have a crush on   reply
06 06,2021
watch the last episode of bananafish and watch the concert scene of given lol   reply
06 06,2021
Drive into a shopping centre like the blues brothers   reply
06 06,2021

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Let your imagenations work bitches
11 answers21 followers
Right so stans yes
4 answers6 followers
Please. Make it stop.
2 answers3 followers