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What are you waiting for, ask him out already!   2 reply
21 05,2018
21 05,2018
Maybe he is just shy. Ask him to hang around with you, to go to the cinema or something. You can see how he reacts, if it´s just the two of you. If you are more brave, you can just confess XD   2 reply
21 05,2018
21 05,2018
1. Do you have any classes together are projects due? You could use that chance to maybe partner up or ask for help with the material. 2. Try having a group outing so you guys will end up in a situation where you are talking. 3. I agree with if you're not shy just be bold and ask if he likes you and let him know ditto and see what could happen.   3 reply
21 05,2018
Kaichïrou 21 05,2018
I would suggest taking the first step by maybe texting him suggesting that you both should start hanging out more. Keep it friendly on your part, but vague enough so he doesn't feel friendzoned. Just be how you usually are when talking to someone casually until you notice him feeling more comfortable when talking to you about things, like he start......   reply
21 05,2018
22 05,2018
Hun, you can't always wait for the guy to make the first move... ask him to hang out with you and at the end confess to him. I know it can be really scary, but think about which you would regret more; confessing or not doing anything?   1 reply
22 05,2018

confess to your crush

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