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I have..sorta

allyTea allyTea 2018-08-21 17:58:00 About watch yaoi with your parents
No, I haven't watched a full BoyxBoy show/movies with my family. But, with western culture now being more inclusive of LGBT+ material, we have watched stuff with these theme, (of course they may show their discomfort at times). I have watched Rupaul drag with my sisters, I have watched tv shows that may have a LGBT+ character or scene, I have watch queer eye with my mom ( she said she love bobby's work despite the fact that he going to burn in hell. But, you konow, baby steps) . I mean these people are highly homophobic so it is always a big thing when they can get through a show with minimal hate being shouted across the room. So we are getting there. It's not acceptance; it more them tolerating that LGBT+ people exist.

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