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okay crushes.. well I real life im get all giddy and happy as ever.. like there was this boy I had a crush in for like 4 years everytime he came around me I would get all bashful and blush alot and my words would get jumbled aND I would always want to touch his arm... then one day we kissed and it was the worse kiss of my life haha like he could ha......   reply
03 10,2018
13 09,2018
Hands down his smile is infectious, I just love it so much and of course the light from the sun when it hits his hair it's like he has a halo only I can see. It's like my God this guy is has a mysterious Adonis look about him, but it ended in a unrequited love affair though =(   reply
13 09,2018
AssShitEater 13 09,2018
I don't have anyone I like right now- but If I was going to choose one from the top of my head- I'll pick my bff~ (as a non romantic partner ;3) I love how she's like mom character, and she's strong, and she has nice soft hair! I love her hair so much :3 And she noes Im bi and still is completely fine with me! I stayed over at her house many time......   1 reply
13 09,2018
"wow, that person is hot". while staring at them. there goes my petty crushes. they only last for a little while.   reply
13 09,2018
13 09,2018
The boy I like (well trying to get over) has like, the best smile. And every time I see it I just want to be the person to keep him smiling. I feel kind of hopeless though when the odds of being that person is impossible when he's crushing on his best friend and won't date until he's been on T for a while...   reply
13 09,2018

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