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A manga I've recently read . It's called Zankyou . I never cried for a manga this much . Now that I remembered it I'm sad again ╥﹏╥   reply
22 09,2018
Haou Airen. Not sure if it’s the saddest but it screwed me up for weeks! And it’s not like it was a very good read it was really messed up, and I was super proud I didn’t drop it (because I hate not finishing a read) then out of no where the last god damn chapter!!!!!!!! And now I don’t read anything sad or with a tragedy tag.   1 reply
22 09,2018
the original tokyo ghoul. I reread it a few years after I first read it and the last volume felt so sad and lonely. my favorite series of all time   2 reply
22 09,2018
This isn't a manga, but Rainbow is the sadness anime off all time. Whatch it if you can @ Also, don't know if this counts, but I got so frustrated at Vampire Knight, the ending was terrible and I officially hate Zero for not saying anything.   2 reply
22 09,2018
Hana no Miyako de, because they never get together, they just have 4 days for their love to bloom. I hate and love such cuples at the same time. Hybrid Child was also like this ╥﹏╥ And Lovers Doll also got me bawling so much at the end like no, please stop, my heart can't take your love to him, it's too much _| ̄|○   1 reply
22 09,2018
I watched the anime version based on manga; Shigatsu wa kimi na uso and Anohana Then the movies like grave of the fireflies, Hotarubi No Mori E, clannad movie   reply
22 09,2018
If you're about 23 and up, I pretty much guarantee Solanin will make you cry. It hits home for a lot of folks but is also kinda uplifting in it's own way. Definitely recommend. If into BL, I'd say maybe Lonely to Organdy.   reply
22 09,2018
"Lonely to organdy" took my tears recently so there we go hehe T^T it's so bittersweet and kinda peaceful BUT if I just wanna feel something heart-wrenching but not to the point of crying like a mess hehe "Ashita Shinu" would be a go to. it's I ever feel like crying but can't find a reason for it I'll just go back to this topic HAHA   2 reply
22 09,2018
22 09,2018
Can’t see, can’t hear but love. A tear jerking manhwa. I recommend it to everyone   reply
22 09,2018

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