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IHateReality 26 04,2021
I take painkillers and eat food that help me   reply
26 04,2021
CatherQ 17 04,2021
Painkillers(⊙…⊙ )   reply
17 04,2021
17 04,2021
I'm actually on medication for endometriosis. It has helped me so much. I still get some cramps, but it's not as debilitating as before. My periods were insanely painful. I felt like my hooha was cramping up whenever I peed, and I couldn't even stand up straight after doing number 2 (this still happens now, but it's not as bad. I'd be on bedrest fo......   reply
17 04,2021
Take before it starts it’s a lifesaver   reply
20 04,2021
20 04,2021
Bruh I got my period in 7th grade and it didn't start hurting until I started high school. Now I'm used to getting painful cramps like 10 minutes before the first sight of blood. I take pills to make it go away but I don't want to accidentally overdose so I wait a few hours after the pill wears off before taking more. During the time with no pills,......   reply
20 04,2021
law 17 04,2021
drink beer it helps   reply
17 04,2021   reply
17 04,2021
17 04,2021
I used to faint from the pain, thnakfully, it got more manageable eventually, my survival kit includes a hot water bag, hot cinnamon with honey infusion, and plenty of cuddles, it does help a lot, also weed takes the edge of the pain better than painkillers for me, but if that is not feasible for you any antispasmodic med will most likely help, bon......   reply
17 04,2021
[DELETED] 18 04,2021
Hah jokes on you i havent got my periods for YEARS ت︎   reply
18 04,2021
18 05,2021
Yeah it hurst like hell i just let my sister step to my stomach   reply
18 05,2021

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