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I don't like the fact that my teacher ends her sentence with a space and 3 dots Like this "Oh sure, we'll get it fixed just wait a second ..." LIKE WHY   reply
25 05,2021
For me, someone wake me up rudely while im sleeping. I hate that.   reply
25 05,2021
I honestly don't understand when people let their little kids do whatever they want. It pisses me off to the max.   1 reply
11 07,2021
people who say that they *want* to be a boy, or they *want* to be transgender --- it's mostly female teens, who think being transgender is a trend or they want to be like boys in yaoi.. it makes me uncomfortable because i'm a gay male, but also because i know transgender ftms who feel uncomfortable about those type of people.. being transgender isn......   reply
15 07,2021
Little kids! Omg i don't trust them at all they are just evillllll   reply
11 07,2021
When I see people type like this: "Hello My Name Is #### And I Type Every Words In My Sentence Like This."   reply
25 05,2021
When someone drops a drink and expects me to clean it up like bitch why.   reply
11 07,2021
Bad written straight smut...   reply
11 07,2021
Whatever the person i hate does always annoyed the heck out of me   reply
11 07,2021

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