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31 05,2021
  1 reply
31 05,2021
The way I don’t believe you- Not calling you a liar it just seems like you’re exaggerating. Again not calling you a liar or saying what they did wasn’t wrong just seems like you’re exaggerating where do you live maybe that’ll help me understand or something   2 reply
31 05,2021
i've never been cat-called but whenever my friend get's cat-called she barks at them teeth bared and all and sometimes gangs up like she's gonna fight them and curses them   1 reply
31 05,2021
Bro watch a video of a woman silently walking in any city and see how many guys harass her, it's disgusting. Tho there is a good video of moms dressing up and walking by their sons to catch them catcalling   reply
31 05,2021
Damn that's horrible I don't usually get this problem cause I'm usually mistaken for a boy I'm not saying it's not a problem sometimes but not all the time anyways just punched him or kick them in the crouch and if it's a little kid just saying I'll go tell your mom or dad or something that should work(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
31 05,2021
Kat 31 05,2021
Ok then hold on while I write that down to the increasing reasons to never leave my bed much less my house. Have this thing I got from a picrew to cheer you up.   1 reply
31 05,2021
My mother always asks me "why dont u go out often more? Ur so pale" mom, im scared of men, and if u want me to get sunlight, windows exist remember?   reply
18 06,2021
Istg m*n are so fucking disgusting sometimes. I got cat called for wearing a dress. A dress. For the first time in a long time I finally had enough courage to go outside and wear one and I get fucking cat called. Like wtf. The sad part is that im built like a fucking washing machine and yet that shit happens. I cant even imagine how worse it is for......   reply
18 06,2021


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