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So, I'm gay and a transman, I'm openly gay but stealth as trans to most people IRL, only a few of my closest friends know. And well, I one day came out to this guy who told me I was trans because my father r*ped me. He called me disgusting and mutilated. Then he proceeded to invalidate my identity as a gay man by telling me that I was not valid to ......   3 reply
06 05,2021
I was once called a "Human Freak" by my therapist during the conversion therapy my homophobic mom put me in...And tbh I wasn't offended because of what he said I was more offended and dissapointed that he thought that, that would hurt me. Like bitch. Tf you think that gon do to me? Make the queer magically leave my body because of that? Bitch that ......   reply
24 12,2020
I'm straight, but I have a lot of friends who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I sincerely hope all of you struggling because of your sexuality or gender identity overcome it and that everything gets better for all of you. Nobody deserves to be treated this badly because of who they love-I probably won't ever be able to understand how much you s......   reply
17 08,2020
So we were in class and the topic of asexuality came up I am asexual but most people don't know and some ask that a)aren't aromatic asexual psychopaths and b)can we treat them with hormones to make them the same as most people I get that they probably didn't understand what was said and the teacher to them that it was wrong to think that and it ne......   2 reply
04 01,2021
I was still in the closet and almost every day for a year, I had to listen to my gradmother screaming about how gay people are sick and that they should all die - by her hands, preferably   2 reply
16 05,2020
I poured my heart out to this girl I like and she said "Oh, you're one of those people." she unfriended me and spread rumors about me. I don't really care and I've been called worse but that shit HURT man, she was my best friend since primary school and the first person I came out to.   reply
13 04,2021
my mom said that i was a disappointment and a disgrace to her and my family when i told her when i was eight that i was lesbian, and because of that i have changed my sexuality cuz now i am pansexual, and even though it was now five years ago she still says that she wishes i was not her daughter   reply
02 02,2021
my dad said gays are equivalent to pedophiles and should go to hell. I'm in the closet to my parents only my brother knows. but I wanted to scream like fuck.   reply
02 02,2021
I came out as non-bianary to my step-mom and my mom my mom told me "No." Then I had asked my mom if i could get a binder for Christmas instead of some boots and she told me "god made you a girl, not a boy." We had a fight and since my mom doesn't even have my custody I cut her out of my life When I came out as Bisexual she told me I needed to "pick......   2 reply
22 01,2021
I’m actually straight, but I saw a lot of conversion therapy in the comments. I just wanna let y’all know the whole thing is a scam that isn’t backed by anything, it isn’t real therapy and whoever sent u wasted their money. Obviously it’s ethically wrong, but it’s also criminal because it’s a scam and there is so much credible info......   reply
02 02,2021


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